We have collected the most relevant information on 24 Bit Audio Burning. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Burning 24-bit audio to CD - VideoHelp Forum
Yes, Nero will absolutely convert your audio to 16 bits so that it conforms to audio CD standards. "20 bit" can mean one of 2 things. 1) The work was done in 20 bits until it came time to master and then it was converted to 16 bits. 2) You have an HDCD which through proprietary and patented processes has a way to pack 20 bit info into a 16 bit field that is fully …
Burning a 24 bit stereo audio CD-R for my DVD player ...
You can try burning a 24-bit wave file onto a CD-R and trying to play it (data CD, not audio - audio will resample it down to 16-bit). May work, may not work, but for a few cents what does it matter? I have seen CD-players that can read wave files off a CD-R so long as there were only wave files on the disc (not a single other piece of data) - some portables and …
eClassical - 24-bit FAQ
The majority of the time, it doesn't make any difference, because most 24 bit recordings are made at either 48 or 96 kHz. But if you have a 24 bit, 44.1 kHz file set, you will NOT be able to burn a DVD-Video disc. Here are some options for burning software: Minnetonka Audio Software DiscWelder - DiscWelder Bronze will auther and burn DVD-Audio discs. It works very well.
Can't burn 24-bit to CD? - Apple Community
This is what iTunes calls audio CD. If you record a project at 24 bits and want to distribute it on traditional red book audio CDs, you will need to reduce the bit length from 24 bits to 16 bits (what iTunes did automatically when you asked to burn a CD). When you reduce the length from 24 to 16 bits, there are two ways to do this.
Converting 24 bit to 16 bit for CD burning | Steve Hoffman ...
- You should record in 24 bit, so you have the ability to at least adjust the volume and normalize while avoiding audio quality loss. This will avoid the temptation to record too "hot", potentially clipping the digital input when the orchestra plays louder than you expected.
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