We have collected the most relevant information on 2970 Audio Limmiter. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Copper Talk: 2970DX mod limiter
If done corectly, the 2970 has capabilities of well over 200 watts PEP on both A/M and SSB. But, a few modifications need to be done first in order for it to work correctly and for the audio to remain clean in both modes.
RCI-2950 & 2970 Modifications (Not DX)
RCI-2950 & 2970 Modifications (Not DX) Weird Stuff These are mods specifically for the RCI-2950 & 2970 Radios. Not for the DX Versions. Am Detector Upgrade This will increase the signal of distant stations from 3 to 6 DB and reduce the noise floor. A receiver alignment is not necessary, but could be done to ensure proper alignment.
RCI-2970N2 10 Meter AM/FM/SSB Export ... - CB Radio Magazine
Unlike previous 2970DX versions the new N2 uses 8 gauge wire and a large 50 amp fuse inline to protect the radio. This radio draws around 18-25 amps without a tune and once some of those techs out there tweak these radios they will pull even more amperage. There have been tales of the radios drawing enough power to shut down 36 amp power supplies.
The Ranger RCI-2950 DX / RCI-2970 DX is a solid-state, fully synthesized Amateur 10 and 12 meter dual band mobile transceiver with full band coverage from 28.0000 MHz to 29.6999 MHz and 24.8900 MHz to 24.9900 MHz and all mode operation, including: …
RadioMods Ranger RCI-2950DX and 2970 DX Alignments
Audio output > 2 Volt S/N > 10dB Balance between 24 and 32MHz: USB Sensitivity: Set radio to USB RX mode. Vol control fully clockwise. RF SSG setting 28.001MHz, 0,25uV mod. L11, L12: Audio output > 2 Volt S/N > 10dB: LSB Sensitivity: Set radio to LSB RX mode. Vol control fully clockwise. RF SSG setting 27.999MHz, 0,25uV mod. L11, L12: Audio ...
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