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The left-most top preview is the one most recently updated. If a preview had moved on and is now back in that position, it means that one or more pages were added since. Lindemann. Category: CD players, D/A converters, digital streamers and servers, headphone amps, power amps transistor. Model: Source II CD, Power II.
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Accuton's 30mm diamond tweeter is a surcharge option. Claimed bandwidth is 35Hz-25kHz, dimensions are 108x40x45cm HxWxD, weight is 42kg. Pricing comes to €8'900/pr or €13'550/pr with diamond tweeters. Finish options are high-gloss or matte lacquer over black or white with rosewood, walnut, apple or ebony sides.
Audio Reviews – Component Category - 6moons.com
Audio Reviews by Component Please browse or use the name shortcuts. Transducers. digital streamers & servers
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Coming in February – A chat on power, efficiency, sensitivity and needs…. Still planned for January. Freelance architect 1973-75. Designer & project manager at Basel’s Interfair 1976-78. Senior exhibition designer at Dublin’s MDA 1978-1984. Managing director of Systemworks Ltd 1984-1992…. Delta variant. In our current C-19 climate ...
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