We have collected the most relevant information on 857d Tx Audio Problem. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
#29 Repair: Yaesu FT857D, No TX Audio; Audio …
Repair and Mic modification
FT-857D - SSB TX audio crackles | QRZ Forums
I have an FT-857D that works fine on FM but the TX audio on SSB is crackly/staticky. Its almost like the crackles coincide with the modulation/RF power drive. It is not the mic - it happens with any mic/audio source and again - the audio on FM is good, no issues there. So its something in the SSB modulation or transmit RF stages I would assume.
Yeasu FT-857 No TX Audio
Everything works as it should except for the lack of audio on the TX signal When the PTT is pressed RX audio is muted control and radio end and the radio transmits a carrier but no audio If I plug the mic directly into the radio RJ45 everything works including TX audio so the problem is not the microphone.
FT-857@groups.io | NO ft-8 TX with FT-857D - Signalink ...
From: FT-857@groups.io <FT-857@groups.io> On Behalf Of Cliff E via groups.io Sent: Monday, January 04, 2021 10:55 AM To: FT-857@groups.io Subject: Re: [FT-857] NO ft-8 TX with FT-857D - Signalink interface and wsjt-x – Need guidance Jim I've experienced issues like yours as well. As a work around I have set wsjt-x and my 857D up to work digital in VOX mode.
Signalink USB / FT-857D
One other note, the FT-857D DSP system DOES affect the rear panel data jack. If you notice a hole in a waterfall or narrow pattern, check to see if your DSP Notch (DNF) or DSP Band Pass Filter (DBF) is on. When you begin to adjust your TX audio levels, use the TX control on the Signalink USB along with Menu #037 DIG GAIN in the FT-857D.
Friend having a problem with his FT-857d. No output on …
Posted: 6/11/2017 9:07:42 PM EST. One of my buddies from the club called me yesterday asking about assistance with his FT-857d. The radio has no RF output on SSB but it puts out full 100 Watts on both CW and Digital. He has performed several hard resets but the problem is still there. All menu settings seem to be correct but I have not ...
mods.dk - Articles for Yaesu 'FT-857'
Flashing Display for Yaesu FT-857D. 05 Nov 2007. Keying the SB200 Amplifier. 16 Aug 2007. Wideband ESSB filter modification for FT-857D and FT-897D. 20 Nov 2006. FT897/857 TX Extention 40m Band and ARS by Software. 19 Nov 2006. Bad reception on one or several bands.
Audio processing and ALC in the FT-897D
Audio processing and ALC in the FT-897D I recently bought an FT-897D, and after a period of operation noticed problems with what I perceived to be a low average level of output power and reports of muffled audio. This is the story of my investigation to improve the audio quality and increase the average level of transmitted power.
AM TX on FT-857D Lousy. Any suggestions?
What I found to help the AM audio on the Yaesu FT-857D: first go to the alignment menu and turn the output power wide open - both AM carrier and and SSB. Next you go through the alignment menu and there is a setting for the ALC - turn it down about half way. Next, turn the power down to 80 by the main menu.
Yaesu FT-857D Quick Reference 001 EXTMENU 046DSP HPF ...
3 11 TX / Busy 4 Home 12 Change tBand 5 13 VFO / Memory 6 14 LOCK 7 Menu Keys 15 8 16 Main Display ... FM <> DIG <> PKT <> LSB) Yaesu FT-857D Quick Reference A/B A=B SPL SPOT BK KEY MW SKIP TAG TUNE DWN UP STO RCL PROC NB AGC AGC SPD RPT REV VOX IPO ATT NAR TON/ENC ----/DEC TDCH CFIL FIL-1 FIL-2 ARTS SRCH PMS PLY1 PLY2 PLY3 ... audio dete ctor ...
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