We have collected the most relevant information on Abrahamsen Audio A-Adac Ii. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Abrahamsen A-DAC II review – Passion from Norway | Sound News
Introduction: Abrahamsen Audio is a Norwegian company founded in 2004 by Per Abrahamsen and his 3 sons. The name Per Abrahamsen is also …
Abrahamsen A-DAC 2 - YouTube
D/A converter: Abrahamsen A-DAC 2Speaker Cables: Supra Ply 3.4Toslink Cable: Belkin Pro AV 4000RCA Cables: Medialounge low-loss RCA-Audio cablesAV-Reciever: ...
DAC Abrahamsen A-Dac II la AVstore.ro
The A-DAC is an USB unit designed to be used with a PC as an external sound card. The digital signal is up sampled from 16bit to 24bit and the frequency response is increased from 44.1 KHz to 192 KHz. This will reduce the noise floor by more than 10dB so that music signal previously masked by the noise now will stand out and amplified, and high frequency overtones …
High-end audio production is part of our heritage. Our 40 ...
UPGRADES ABRAHAMSEN AUDIO Upgrade your V series product to V series UP. When upgrading your Abrahamsen product, you will notice a deeper, tighter bass, bigger "soundstage" and more air and details in the higher frequency area. The tonality of your Abrahamsen products will not be changed with these upgrades. The upgrades are very noticeable.
Abrahamsen A-DAC II–pasiune norvegiana | Sound News
Abrahamsen A-DAC II–pasiune norvegiana. Abrahamsen Audio este o companie norvegiana fondata in anul 2004 de catre Per Abrahamsen si cei 3 fii ai sai. Numele Per Abrahamsen este reprezentativ si pentru compania Electrocompaniet care a fost fondata de catre acesta in anul 1972. Sub numele acestei companii a fost creat primul produs audio ...
Abrahamsen A-Dac II la AVstore – Blog AVstore.ro
Abrahamsen A-DAC II este un convertor digital-analog cu pedigree, de o calitate greu de imaginat pentru segmentul de pret din care face parte. A-DAC II beneficiaza de o constructie 100% balansata, avand la baza doua DAC chip-uri AKM 4396, este dotat cu iesiri analogice XLR si RCA si cu intrari digitale de tip Spdif optic/coaxial si USB.
Abrahamsen A-DAC - audioweb
Vand Dac Abrahamsen A-Dac, in stare impecabila. La plata integrala in avans, transportul este gratuit prin posta. Specificatii: 24-Bit/192 kHz D/A Converter | Power supply: External | 24-Bit/192 kHz Upsampler | 1 X USB input | 1 pair output XLR(balanced) | 1 pair output RCA(singel) | Maximum Word Length: 16-bit | Sample Frequency Range 32kHz-48kHz | …
Abrahamsen A-DAC review - My Set Up At Home - HiFi WigWam
The A-DAC is a new product from the Norwegian company Abrahamsen audio – formed by the former designer from Electrocompaniet, Per Abrahamsen. I bought this DAC for use in my second system, with my PC as source, after I tried the (much more expensive) V6 DAC in the system. At £151 delivered (from ...
Abrahamsen Audio - iq-speakers
Nord will have in the coming months a Hypex based Integrated amp that will perform and price wise exceed the already superb performing Abrahamsen. Per Abrahamsen founder and designer of Electrocompaniet, now produces his own Abrahamsen Audio Amplifiers after Electrocompaniet financial demise in 2004. Abrahamsen's products share a similar design and look to the …
Abrahamsen V6 DAC - a review - My Set Up At Home - …
I recently had the chance to compare the Abrahamsen V6 to a Cambridge Audio DACMagic. I tested them on two systems: System 1: Quad ESL-63s powered by a Cyrus aCa7 pre and Qpower power amp, fed by a laptop running Vortexbox with USB-out into the DAC. System 2: B&W 802Ds powered by a Meridian G02 & 559, source was a Squeezebox Receiver
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