We have collected the most relevant information on Add Audio Stream Dvd. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Adding an audio track to a DVD? - Original Trilogy
1. Use DVD Decrypter in IFO mode to demux the separate video and audio from the R1 disc, and the audio track from the R2 disc. 2. Use BeSweet to transcode the R2 audio, slowing it down to the correct speed so it will be in sync with the NTSC video. 3. Use DVDAuthorGUI to author a new DVD containing the video and 2 audio tracks.
Add Audio Track to Existing DVD, Retaining Menus, …
Just as the description says, this video walks you through the steps of adding new Audio Tracks to an existing DVD. This process allows you to keep all origi...
adding dts audio stream to DVD folder - VideoHelp Forum
Take the M2V video and the DTS audio and author them to DVD using Muxman. If you only have whatever DVD you made, demux the video using PGCDemux. If you only have VOB(s), open it (them) in DGIndex and go File->Save Project and Demux Video. Then author using Muxman. If the source of the DTS audio is a Blu-Ray, then most likely it won't work for DVD.
2 Methods to Add Audio to Video in VLC [Play and Save]
Add audio files to the video. 4. Click Select on the second Open Media window > click Play on the first Open Media window. Select and click Play. 5. Go to Audio > Audio track > Track 2. Then the audio files will be added to the video. And you can overlay or replay the original sound. Add audio tracks to the video and play
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