We have collected the most relevant information on Additional Audio Decoder Code 8193. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Can't play audio. DTS Audio (Code "8193") format. MKV file ...
"You may need an additional audio decoder to play the soundtrack of this file. This file contains a track in the DTS Audio (code "8193") format. You may need to install a QuickTime component for this audio format in order to hear the soundtrack of this file." thanks if anybody can help! Feb 4, 2012 #2 whyhellothere Banned 18,977 2,385 Joined
Tag 8193 codec - Audio Codecs - MovieCodec.com
Hi im Jose can somebody send me the audio data:tag 8193 or another program so i can watch a movie that needs that audio data. E-mail me please to [email protected] Thanks. 12-01-2004 02:17 AM Jose Chino. Feedback. hello have you found tag 8193 audio codec 08-22-2005 11:33 ...
Sound Problem on Blu-Ray Movie - Microsoft Community
It says I may need an additional audio decoder play the soundtrack of the file. This file contains a track in the DTS Audio (code "8193") format. I may need to install a DirectShow decoder for this audio format in order to hear the soundtrack of this file. Where can I find a DirectShow decoder to download and install?
.MKV format won't play on DiVX Player - Techyv.com
You may need an additional audio decoder to play the soundtrack of this file. This file contains a track in the DTS Audio (code *8193*) format. You may need to install a DirectShow decoder for this audio format in order to hear the soundtrack of this file. I tried searching for the DirectShow decoder and installing it.
Page 2/7 - Tag 8193 codec - Audio Codecs - MovieCodec.com
Weetman you ROCK MY SOCKS. I love you. Thank you so much. I have tried everything and nothing worked except for your awesome link. .. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
QuickTime Code | MacRumors Forums
They are DivX Decoder.component and DivX Encoder.component. If you installed the DivX Player, then these two components should be installed in your / Library / QuickTime / folder. A Google search...
Tutorial: Decoding Audio - Win32 apps | Microsoft Docs
If the source file contains encoded audio, the source reader automatically loads the necessary audio decoder. Calls IMFSourceReader::GetCurrentMediaType to get the actual PCM media type. This method returns a media type with all of the format details filled in, such as the audio sample rate and the number of channels.
Page 3/76 - Problem playing avi, Dolby AC3 Audio (code ...
Look on this page in the left upper corner, you will see : Moviecodec Forums/Downloads , when you put the cursor on this, another choise can be maken, then choose below in that choise : Audio Codecs, when this has been opened you have to take the first of the row ( AC3 Codec ( tag 2000/8192. Clic on this one, save it to a place ( new folder )in your …
--Where to download audio codecs? - Audio Codecs ...
Audio on mpeg layer-3 won’t work on a couple of recently downloaded files. It says it is VBR MP3 audio with video codec of xvid. I believe this is variable bit rate but I have no idea how to make this work with WMP10. It tries to download a new codec when I start in WMP but gets nowhere, only showing picture but no sound.
looking for codec 8192 to download - Audio Codecs ...
posted in Audio Codecs hi guys, i just download a film but there is no sound my computer ask me that i need a 8192 codec but i cannot find one ???????? i’m a very very debutant !!! can you help thanks
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