We have collected the most relevant information on Alt.Audio.Pro.Live-Sound. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
alt.audio.pro.live-sound - Google Groups
alt.audio.pro.live-sound. $1 MILLION for KILLING FAMILIES of FBI, CIA and NSA DIRECTORS - offered by SOME BRAVE AMERICAN HERO. $1 MILLION for KILLING FAMILIES of FBI, CIA and NSA DIRECTORS - offered by SOME BRAVE AMERICAN HERO. [email protected], ….
alt.audio.pro.live-sound - groups.google.com
Turbosound TQ440 - alt.audio.pro.live-sound.narkive.com
alt.audio.pro.live-sound. 54 replies Pro opinions on speaker systems. started 2003-11-17 15:21:26 UTC. alt.audio.pro.live-sound. 19 replies Accordion outdoors. started 2006-11-07 18:31:22 UTC. alt.audio.pro.live-sound. 9 Replies 227 Views Permalink to this page Disable enhanced parsing.
KF850/SB1000 Setup - alt.audio.pro.live-sound
alt.audio.pro.live-sound . Discussion: KF850/SB1000 Setup (too old to reply) Sidhu 2006-06-30 21:15:02 UTC. Permalink. Hello! Recently I had to do a gig involving a setup of EAW KF850zf Tops and SB1000 subs. 2 of each per side. Stacked on top of each other. Indoors, reverberant room. ...
Woodstock sound crew - alt.audio.pro.live-sound.narkive.com
alt.audio.pro.live-sound . Discussion: Woodstock sound crew (too old to reply) SotR 2009-08-20 09:16:29 UTC. Permalink. I have been watching the myriad Woodstock retrospectives that abound with the 40th anniversary. One thing that came to my thoughts was the sound crew. There had never been anything needed like this prior as
How much power to Yorkville LS1208 - alt.audio.pro.live-sound
alt.audio.pro.live-sound. 37 replies Odd discovery, Yorkville SW800/LS808. started 2006-02-08 05:54:13 UTC. rec.audio.pro. 30 replies Subs for more bass outside EAW LA400? started 2004-05-27 10:28:33 UTC. alt.audio.pro.live-sound. 20 Replies 311 Views Permalink to this page ...
Behringer B1 or C1??? - alt.audio.pro.live-sound
alt.audio.pro.live-sound . Discussion: Behringer B1 or C1??? (too old to reply) Rob A 2004-07-27 09:58:16 UTC. Permalink. Hi there all, I would like to know if anyone has had experience with both of the following mics from Behringer, and if they could offer some advice. I am looking to get a nice but not so expensive studio mike to record some ...
QSC MX 1500 NOT 1500a - Google Groups
The manuals I have show both amps as rated at 1500 watts into 4 ohms in. bridge mode. However, there are warnings in both manuals that such operation. may cause problems with overheating and current limiting - this is under the. heading of 2 ohm load operation, which is the same as 4 ohms in bridge mode. The 1500a is quite different to the 1500.
DEQ2496 Software - Google Groups
alt.audio.pro.live-sound. Conversations. About. ... I tried an Audio Technica tieclip mike directly into the computers onboard mike input just as an experiment and found that the waveform produced was remarkably close to that produced by the Behringer over the usable audio range. It`s not very scientific I know, but the display
Stream Gaia Ne music | Listen to songs, albums, playlists ...
With any Pro plan, get Spotlight to showcase the best of your music & audio at the top of your profile. Learn more about Pro Close. Gaia Ne Yerevan CJSC Yerevan, Armenia. All Popular tracks Tracks Albums Playlists Reposts Station Follow Share. Station Follow Share. Gaia Ne ...
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