We have collected the most relevant information on Android Audiotrack Set Loop Points. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
android - Play looping audio using AudioTrack - Stack Overflow
Android How to set loop on AudioTrack? - Stack Overflow
1. public int setLoopPoints (int startInFrames, int endInFrames, int loopCount) Sets the loop points and the loop count. The loop can be infinite. Similarly to setPlaybackHeadPosition, the track must be stopped or paused for the position to be changed, and *must use the MODE_STATIC mode*. Share.
AudioTrack.SetLoopPoints(Int32, Int32, Int32) Method ...
the number of times the loop is looped; must be greater than or equal to -1. A value of -1 means infinite looping, and 0 disables looping. A value of positive N means to "loop" (go back) N times. For example, a value of one means to play the region two times in total.
AudioTrack: SetLoopPoint issue - Android Development ...
Hi All, I am developing an audio library for my game application but i met a problem when i tried to set loop point using AudioTrack. The audio track worked fine when i set the loop to infinity loop. But when i set the loop to a finite number, for example 2, the audio track looped for twice then at the end of the loop frame, it restarted from ...
Java AudioTrack.setLoopPoints Examples, android.media ...
Java AudioTrack.setLoopPoints - 3 examples found. These are the top rated real world Java examples of android.media.AudioTrack.setLoopPoints extracted from open source projects. You can rate examples to help us improve the quality of examples.
Android Question AudioTrack - how to loop audio - B4X
Dear all, I'm using the impressing AdioTrack V. 1.03 by stevel05. However, by trying to use the LoopStart and LoopEnd properties, it does not loop at all. May be I didn't set something right. I use the flag MODE_STATIC for the Audiotrack, and …
AudioTrack - Android SDK | Android Developers
Sets the listener the AudioTrack notifies when a previously set marker is reached or for each periodic playback head position update. ... Sets the send level of the audio track to the attached auxiliary effect attachAuxEffect(int). The level value range is 0 to 1.0. ... Sets the loop points and the loop count. The loop can be infinite. Parameters.
AudioTrack - Android Developers
AudioTrack | Android Developers. Language English Bahasa Indonesia Español – América Latina Português – Brasil 中文 – 简体 日本語 한국어. Documentation. Overview Guides Reference Samples Design & Quality. Platform. Android Studio. Google Play. Jetpack. Kotlin.
Android example - AudioTrack.java - audiotrack, error ...
Android example source code file: AudioTrack.java (audiotrack, error_invalid_operation, illegalargumentexception, illegalstateexception, mode_stream, state_initialized) ... } } /** * Sets the loop points and the loop count. The loop can be infinite. ... } return native_set_loop(startInFrames, endInFrames, loopCount); } /** * Sets the ...
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