We have collected the most relevant information on Atmel Audio Recorder. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
AVR42777: Digital Sound Recorder using DAC with ATtiny817
Atmel-42777A-Digital-Sound-Recorder-using-DAC-with-ATtiny817_AVR42777_Application Note-10/2016 8. timer overflow ISR updates the DAC data register in order to change the output at the same rate as the samples were taken. This results in …
AT10934: Audio Recorder with SAM G53-XPRO and …
This application uses SD card from I/O1 Xplained Pro to store recorded audio file. The application source code is available in Atmel web. Features Audio Recorder Application 16KHz Stereo Audio Recording Support AT10934: Audio Recorder with SAM G53-XPRO and MEMS MIC XPRO [APPLICATION NOTE]
audio | Atmel | Bits & Pieces
What’s more, the mic has been designed with the latest Atmel | SMART SAM 70S MCU, comprising 2GB to 8GB internal memory. Turning on the pocket-sized device requires a single tap of its logo, while another touch will begin the recording.
Audio and Speech | Microchip Technology
Audio and Speech. Audio provides a means of communication, improves usability, and delivers entertainment. It can transform the mood of an environment, help us escape a noisy commute, assist us in machine interface and improve the quality of life for the visually impaired. Adding audio to your application enhances its ability to meet the needs ...
AVR42777: Digital Sound Recorder using DAC with the ...
AVR42777: Digital Sound Recorder using DAC with the tinyAVR® 1-series ... Two accompanying projects are available for this application note in Atmel START. The implementation of sound data sampling and playback is identical for both; the only difference is the mode of data storage.
Atmega WAV recorder | AVR Freaks - Atmel Community
hello to all i want a code or an idea for record a sound from adc to micro sd card in wav format with atmega avr (mega32) i want the sound be saved as transparent and smooth on mmc or sd and i be able easily play recorded sound with PC.
Loader and recorder for ZX Spectrum on SD/SDHC | AVR Freaks
Digital audio player and recorder for Sinclair ZX-Spectrum and other retro-computers. The device is implemented on ATMega128 with a clock frequency of 16 MHz and uses the Nokia 5110 display and the 5-button joystick. Also the device contains the real-time clock on PCF8583T or PCF8563T. Supported file formats: TAP, WAV (read only), BAW.
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