We have collected the most relevant information on Audio Format Not Supported Dts Audio Code 8193. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Sound Problem on Blu-Ray Movie - Microsoft Community
I played the movie, but the sound won't come on because the audio format not supported. It says I may need an additional audio decoder play the soundtrack of the file. This file contains a track in the DTS Audio (code "8193") format. I may need to install a DirectShow decoder for this audio format in order to hear the soundtrack of this file.
Tag 8193 codec - Audio Codecs - MovieCodec.com
Hi im Jose can somebody send me the audio data:tag 8193 or another program so i can watch a movie that needs that audio data. E-mail me please to chinito_jose@yahoo.com ... that all that is needed is an AC3 filter to run the DTS sound through the conventional Divx audio codec... or something. I used the one that is here and it works sweet. http ...
.MKV format won't play on DiVX Player - Techyv.com
DivX Player: Audio Format Not Supported You may need an additional audio decoder to play the soundtrack of this file. This file contains a track in the DTS Audio (code *8193*) format. You may need to install a DirectShow decoder for this audio format in …
Page 2/7 - Tag 8193 codec - Audio Codecs - MovieCodec.com
Weetman you ROCK MY SOCKS. I love you. Thank you so much. I have tried everything and nothing worked except for your awesome link. .. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
How to fix This audio format(DTS) is not supported in ...
How to fix This audio format(DTS) is not supported in android-this audio format ac3 is not supported-this audio format is not supported,this error is mostly ...
audio format not supported - Microsoft Community
I get a message that the audio format is not supported. When I look at the properties for the .wmv files create on the Vista system and the ones created on Windows 7, the “details” tab reports the same properties for both files “Width: 720 pixels, Height: 480 pixels, Bit rate: 3000 kbps, Frame rate: 20 fps and Audio format: 128 kbps, 48 ...
QuickTime Code | MacRumors Forums
A Google search reveals that many users have reported the "8193" error. One hit links to the DivX Labs website. This implies that the 8193 codec is …
How to Fix Audio Codec Not Supported or Missing Error
Fix Audio Codec Not Supported in Windows Media Player When, for example, your video plays with no audio or vice versa, you can be sure you're facing codec issues. Good thing, you don't have to manually do anything on Windows Media Player to fix this as it can be automated.
Now you know Audio Format Not Supported Dts Audio Code 8193
Now that you know Audio Format Not Supported Dts Audio Code 8193, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with information on similar questions.