We have collected the most relevant information on Audio Format Question Bitstream Vs Lpcm. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.

Audio Format Question: Bitstream vs. LPCM | Audioholics ...


Audio Format Question: Bitstream vs. LPCM | Audioholics ...

    I was under the impression that LPCM was a higher quality signal so I set all my players to output in this format (Denon DVD player, PS3). Both the bitstream setting and LPCM settings are 'bit streams' (a linear sequence of bits). The distinction between the two settings is simply where you want the audio to be decoded.

Which Is Better Bitstream Or LPCM Audio? - Home Cinema Guru

    Two products I have found that decode bitstream data with no flaws are the Classe SSP-800 and Oppo Blu-Ray players. If you own either one of these it should be doing the decoding to LPCM to obtain the best sound quality. Other products would need to be tested to determine which is the best in the train. Unfortunately, it is rather common to ...

Bitstream vs. PCM for Audio – Which Is Better?


    Bitstream vs LPCM - AVForums

      Plenty of AV dealers will say the PS3 is inferior for video, that bitstream is better than LPCM as it's decoded "in the AV receiver which is higher quality". But in my experience, there is NO difference in video quality for BD between the PS3 and any BD player, and there is NO difference in audio between LPCM and Bitstream. It's all nonsense.

    PCM vs Bitstream explained: Which one you should use ...


      PCM vs Bitstream - Which One To Select And Why - …


        Bitstream vs. Linear PCM | AVS Forum

          since no one has answered the question which is better bit stream or PCM, i will answer it for anyone that wants to know. pcm is better , it is loss less audio and it's the way the original is supposed to sound. typically DD double digital which is sent bit stream is around 600 kb and pcm loss less is usually sent around 5.0+ mbs . the pcm track will be much clearer and …

        Question about audio passthrough, LPCM, and Bitstream ...


          Player audio options - bitstream or PCM? | AVForums

            As far as I know, the format used is usually lpcm, then converted to Dolby or DTS. These formats are not mixes but containers holding the master. So the lpcm will be converted to DTS or Dolby, just as most music is recorded in pcm then for digital media mastered to the cd in pcm, or converted to flac, mp3 etc. for digital distribution.

          PS4 audio LPCM or Bitstream? : PS4


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