We have collected the most relevant information on Audio Frequency Tester. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Extended High Frequency Online Hearing Test | 8-22 kHz
The Test File. 22 kHz → 8 kHz Sweep. + Voice Over. A -9 dbFS sweeping sine tone, from 22 kHz (supposedly inaudible) down to 8 kHz (if you can't hear this one, consider checking your hearing). On the top of the test tone, a voiceover tells …
Audio Frequency Analyzer on the App Store
iPhone Screenshots. "Audio Frequency Analyzer" is a powerful real-time audio analyzer (RTA) app for iPhone. This app can measure the frequency response in 30 split band scale of 1/3 octave in real time. Also it can be displayed the FFT analysis result. "Audio Frequency Analyzer" is available in a variety of applications, such as sound room tuning, speaker settings, audio equipment …
The Ultimate Bass Test | Ultra Low Frequency Range Test
Low Frequency Response and Subwoofer Audio Test (10-200 Hz) Subwoofer Kick Test; Subwoofer Midrange Frequency Test; High Frequency Response and Hearing Audio Test (22-8 kHz) Aliasing Test; Mosquito Tone Audibility Test …
Sound Frequency Test - Audio Frequency Hearing Test - …
This amazing video can be used as Sound Frequency Test (Audio Frequency Hearing Test). After watching the video you will understand How Old are Your Ears. Th...
Audio Frequency Trainer - Media College
Audio Frequency Trainer. This game teaches you how to identify audio frequencies. It's suitable for anyone from beginner to audio professional. How it works: You listen to a series of test tones and identify the frequency of each one as you go. At the beginner level you are tested on four different frequencies, then you can work your way up to guru level with …
Get Audio Meter - Microsoft Store
Audio Meter is a Tool for audio level measuring in dB or dB (A) with a wide range of advanced features build in. Audio Meter is freeware (no commercials, no in app purchases, FREE!) (Feel free to donate on our website if you like it) Audio Meter can: • Measure Sound in dB and dB (A) • Measure Sound Frequency • Record SPL dB and dB (A) • Save/Load Graphs • Export data …
Online Tone Generator - Free, Quick, No Sign Up Required.
This 60 second tone helps you determine the highest frequencyyour ears can detect. The range of human hearing is typically quoted as being from 20-20,000Hz, but ageand prolonged exposure to loud sounds can significantly lower your ability to hear high frequencies. For best results, perform the test at a comfortable volume in a quiet environment and using good quality headphones.
How high can you actually hear? Test yourself and find ...
This hearing test will reveal the highest frequency you can pick up... The human hearing range is around 20 to 20,000 Hz, and as we get older, our ability to hear high-pitched sounds begins to decrease. …
What Is Your Hearing Age? Test Your Ears.
Play Test Tone. Be sure to fully lower your volume and play the test tone first to protect your hearing. If you're on a phone, make sure it is not on silent/vibrate mode. For the best results use headphones. After clicking "Start", the tone will start from an 8000 KHz tone and rise to 20000KHz. Click the red button when you can no longer hear the tone.
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