We have collected the most relevant information on Audio Hrtf Data Copyright 1994 By Mit Media. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
HRTF Measurements of a KEMAR Dummy-Head Microphone
This data is Copyright 1994 by the MIT Media Laboratory. It is provided free with no restrictions on use, provided the authors are cited when the data is used in any research or commercial application. Bill Gardner billg@media.mit.edu and Keith Martin kdm@media.mit.edu. MIT Media Lab Machine Listening Group. May 18, 1994 (last revised July 18, 2000)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
To retrieve the HRTF data via the WWW, use your browser to open the following URL: http://sound.media.mit.edu/KEMAR.html Simply follow the directions found in the html document. Usage restrictions This HRTF data is Copyright 1994 by the MIT Media Lab. It is provided without any usage restrictions.
HRTF Data – The CIPIC Interface Laboratory Home Page
The CIPIC HRTF Database is a public-domain database of high-spatial-resolution HRTF measurements for 45 different subjects, including the KEMAR mannequin with both small and large pinnae. The database includes 2,500 measurements of …
Download, Fix, and Update Alcxwdm.sys - EXE Files
Alcxwdm.sys, also known as a Realtek AC'97 Audio Driver (WDM) file, was created by Dell Technologies for the development of Windows (R) WDM driver for Realtek AC'97 Audio (HRTF data Copyright 1994 by MIT Media Lab). SYS files fall under under the Win32 EXE (Driver) file type category.
(PDF) HRTF database at FIU DSP Lab
Head Related Transfer Fun ctions (HRTFs) are signal processing models that represent the m odifications undergone by the acoustic signal as it interacts …
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