We have collected the most relevant information on Audio Information Retrieval Using Semantic Similarity. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
CiteSeerX — Audio information retrieval using semantic ...
In many cases, semantic understanding of an audio query enables retrieval of audio information that, while acoustically different, is semantically similar to the query. For example, given a query of a high-pitched, warbling bird song, a sys-tem based on acoustics might retrieve other high-pitched, har-monic sounds such as a baby crying.
In many cases, semantic understanding of an audio query enables retrieval of audio information that, while acoustically different, is semantically similar to the query. For example, given a query of a high-pitched, warbling bird song, a sys-tem based on acoustics might retrieve other high-pitched, har-monic sounds such as a door bell ringing.
(PDF) Audio Information Retrieval using Semantic Similarity
In many cases, semantic understanding of an audio query enables retrieval of audio information that, while acoustically different, is semantically similar to the query. For example, given a query...
Audio Information Retrieval using Semantic Similarity
Audio Information Retrieval using Semantic Similarity 2007 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - ICASSP '07, 2007 Douglas Turnbull
CiteSeerX — Audio information retrieval using semantic ...
Using the concept models, the audio tracks are mapped into a semantic feature space, where each dimension indicates the strength of the semantic concept. Audio retrieval is then based on ranking the database tracks by their similarity to the query in the semantic space. We experiment with both semantic- and acousticbased retrieval systems on a ...
CiteSeerX — Audio information retrieval using semantic ...
The retrieval system is based on semantic concept models that are learned from a training data set containing both audio examples and their text captions. Using the concept models, the audio tracks are mapped into a semantic feature space, where each dimension indicates the strength of the semantic concept. Audio retrieval is then based on ranking the database tracks by their …
Audio Information Retrieval using Semantic Similarity
The retrieval system is based on semantic concept models that are learned from a training data set containing both audio examples and their text captions. Using the concept models, the audio tracks are mapped into a semantic feature space, where each dimension indicates the strength of the semantic concept. Audio retrieval is then based on ranking the database tracks by their …
Audio information retrieval using semantic similarity - CORE
Audio information retrieval using semantic similarity . By Luke Barrington, Antoni Chan, Douglas Turnbull and Gert Lanckriet. Abstract. We improve upon query-by-example for content-based audio information retrieval by ranking items in a database based on semantic similarity, rather than acoustic similarity, to a query example. The retrieval ...
A new design of multimedia big data retrieval enabled by ...
Multimedia data retrieval using adaptive semantic similarity and deep learning ... and audio, the training phase starts. Here, the deep semantic feature extraction is perf ormed by the .
Information Retrieval Using Semantic Similarity
Information retrieval by semantic similarity [A. Hilaoutakis, G. Varelas, E. Voutsakis] [2006]. Semantic Similarity Based on Corpus Statistics and Lexical Taxonomy [Jay …
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