We have collected the most relevant information on Audio Resample Algorithm. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
DigitalAudioResamplingHomePage - Stanford …
• The free Open Source Audio Library Project (OSALP)15 (LGPL) contains a C++ class based on resample. • The Speex16 speech coder/decoder (based on CELP) contains a variation of the resample algorithm in the file resample.c, is free and open-source, and is released under a BSD-style license (i.e., free for both commercial and noncommercial ...
algorithm - How can I use an audio-resampler to …
Audio resamplers keep the correct frequency of the resampled signals, so a 4KHz sine in the source, will remain a 4KHz sine in the destination. This time, however, I need to resample a sampled IF/RF signal. The sampled signal contains data originally in the frequency range f0-BW/2 to f0+BW/2, shifted to 0..BW.
Digital Audio Resampling Home Page - Stanford University
Download resample.pdf [How to cite and copy this work] [Comment on this page via email] `` The Digital Audio Resampling Home Page '', by Julius O. Smith III .
Which anti aliasing filter algorithm for efficient audio ...
I realize that filter selection and design is an art that one can spend a lifetime on. I'm quite inexperienced with DSP and am just looking for a couple algorithms I can get my hands dirty with. I'm hoping someone with audio experience can pip up and say "here are my general purpose, go-to algorithms for efficient lowpass filtering".
Resample algorithm - KVR Audio
How can I implement an algorithm in real-time or non-real-time resample a signal? I need to resample my signal at 44100 Hz to a frequency of 65536 Hz, I am also interested in other algorithms for resampling at frequencies most commonly used such as 48000 Hz or 64000 Hz, etc. Thanks in advance for any replies.
Fast resampling - which algorithm? - KVR Audio
Since I'm not really a DSP guy, I wrote a decent resampling algorithm, that is very fast, but not totally aliasing-safe in all cases. I used an hermite interpolation technique (you can find it at musicdsp.org), for lowering the pitch, and a series of different algorithms for raising the pitch that implements a simple kind of boxcar lowpass filter (the most basic one).
Resampling Algorithm (2.10) - PJSIP
Resampling Algorithm Audio Manipulation Algorithms Sample rate conversion algorithm. More... Detailed Description This section describes the base resampling functions. In addition to this, application can use the Resample Port which provides media port abstraction for the base resampling algorithm. Typedef Documentation pjmedia_resample
GitHub - cpuimage/resampler: A Simple and Efficient …
A Simple and Efficient Audio Resampler Implementation in C - GitHub - cpuimage/resampler: A Simple and Efficient Audio Resampler Implementation in C
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