We have collected the most relevant information on Audio Signal Coherence. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.

Coherence -Fundamentals of Signal Processing - VRU


US20100150375A1 - Determination of the Coherence of …

    US20100150375A1 US12/636,432 US63643209A US2010150375A1 US 20100150375 A1 US20100150375 A1 US 20100150375A1 US 63643209 A US63643209 A US 63643209A US 2010150375 A1 US2010150375 A

US20030219130A1 - Coherence-based audio coding and ...

    An auditory scene is synthesized from a mono audio signal by modifying, for each critical band, an auditory scene parameter (e.g., an inter-aural level difference (ILD) and/or an inter-aural time difference (ITD)) for each sub-band within the critical band, where the modification is based on an average estimated coherence for the critical band.

AES E-Library » Coherence as an Indicator of Distortion ...

    Coherence as an Indicator of Distortion for Wide-Band Audio Signals such as M-Noise and Music Merlijn van Veen1, Roger Schwenke1 1 Meyer Sound Laboratories, 2832 San Pablo Ave, Berkeley, CA 94702, USA Correspondence should be addressed to Merlijn van Veen (merlijnv@meyersound.com) ABSTRACT M-Noise is a new scientifically derived test signal ...

(PDF) Binaural Audio Signal Processing Using Interaural ...

    A technique is proposed in which the direct sound is rendered using data extracted from HRTFs and the ambient sound contained in the stereo signal is modified such that its coherence is …

Binaural Audio Signal Processing Using Interaural ...

    DOI: 10.5075/EPFL-THESIS-4643 Corpus ID: 109881233; Binaural Audio Signal Processing Using Interaural Coherence Matching @inproceedings{Menzer2010BinauralAS, title={Binaural Audio Signal Processing Using Interaural Coherence Matching}, author={F. Menzer}, year={2010} }

Coherence Function - Stanford University

    A common use for the coherence function is in the validation of input/output data collected in an acoustics experiment for purposes of system identification. For example, might be a known signal which is input to an unknown system, such as a reverberant room, say, and is the recorded response of the room.

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