We have collected the most relevant information on Audio Steganography In Java Pdf. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Audio Steganography Algorithm Using Java - IJEDR
Audio Steganography Algorithm Using Java Maitri Patel Assistant Professor Department of Computer Engineering, Sabar Institute of Technology for Girls, Tajpur, Sabarkantha, India. [email protected] _____ Abstract: Now a day, we are widely using internet for exchanging any kind of data. So, while transmitting our data, ...
(PDF) Audio Steganography Algorithm Using Java | Maitri ...
Steganography techniques can be applied to images, a video file or an audio file. In this paper, we introduce new method of Steganography using audio file for transmitting our confidential messages through internet. The algorithm converts the input audio file and the text file which contains our confidential message into binary numbers which ...
A Detailed look of Audio Steganography Techniques …
Audio steganography requires a text or audio secret message to be embedded within a cover audio message. Due to availability of redundancy, the cover audio message before steganography, stego message after steganography remains same. for information hiding. Keywords: Audio data hiding, phase coding, LSB,HAS 1. Introduction
information even exists. If a steganography method causes someone to suspect there is a secret information in a carrier medium, then the method has failed [6,8]. The basic model of Audio steganography consists of Carrier (Audio file), Message and Password. Carrier is also known as a cover-file, which conceals the secret information.
Audio Steganography Techniques-A Survey
Nowadays, the carrier of the message can be an image, audio, video or a text file. In this paper we have purposed a method to enhance the security level in audio steganography and also improve the quality by making 2-level steganography. Keywords-Steganography, Audio steganography and its technique, Echo Hiding, Phase Coding, Parity
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