We have collected the most relevant information on Audio Trgger Recorder Gnu. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Audio Recording With GNU/Linux [rigacci.org]
Audio Recording With GNU/Linux. Choosing the right jack. The microphone jack. In the 70s - at the time of analog amplifiers, in the pre-computer age - the standard jack for microphones were the mono one, with the diameter of 1/4 inches (6,35 mm).
Audio Recorder (GNU Octave (version 5.2.0))
recorder = audiorecorder (fs, nbits, channels, id) Create an audiorecorder object recording 8 bit mono audio at 8000 Hz sample rate. The optional arguments fs, nbits, channels, and id specify the sample rate, bit depth, number of channels and recording device id, respectively. Device IDs may be found using the audiodevinfo function.
Audio Trigger download | SourceForge.net
Download Audio Trigger for free. Performs actions on detected volume threshold Examples : - Launch music on clap - Launch speech recording when you start speaking - Launch guard webcam when a significant sound is detected - Increase or decrease headphones volume when ambient noise pass
Audio/Video - GNU Project - Free-Software Foundation
If you have a good recording from a GNU event, and you would like to share it with us, please send an email to <audio-recordings@gnu.org>. The best recordings will be added to this page. We are interested in both audio and video recordings. We can accept the source in a wide range of formats (eg those supported by ffmpeg).
Audio/Video - GNU Project - Free-Software Foundation
If you wish to make a local copy or mirror of our audio/video files, you can do so with the following command: rsync audio-video.gnu.org::audio-video. Feedback. If you find a problem with this server or have a speech recording to contribute, please report to Make a task for maintainers of the project or fill a support request.
Triggered Audio Recorder - QSL.net
The Trigger. The Triggered Audio Recorder can use SL's 'universal trigger module' to start (and stop) saving an audio stream to disk. Details about the trigger, how to select the trigger source, how to set the threshold and hysteresis etc can be found here.To configure the universal trigger, select "View/Windows" in SL's main menu, and select "Spectrum Lab …
Audio Line | USB based Audio Logger - Continuous Voice ...
Continuous Recording: Logs audio wherever 24x7 logging is needed. Externally-triggered Recording: Logs the audio, if and only if an external trigger occurs, such as a switch is turned on. Just like the other models of Xtend Voice Logger, audio model is a passive logger that does not tamper with the voice quality or the signalling system.
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