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Welcome to TheAudioDB. TheAudioDB is a community Database of audio artwork and metadata with a JSON API. The content here is only possible thanks to the hard work of our editors. If you like the site, please consider registering as an editor or supporting our patreon campaign. Currently: 750 supporters.
Audiobook Metadata: Your Most Important Asset
Audio book collection management software | Alfa Ebooks ...
As usual audio books consist of several parts/files. Alfa allows to automatically link multiple audio files to single audio-book record in the database. Moreover when importing files to ebook catalog Alfa automatically retrieves metadata and cover from MP3, M4B, AAX books. If metadata is absent - you can easily update it from the web sources like Amazon, Audible.com etc...
Metadata in Digital Audio Files – What it is, where it is ...
[Metadata Reader] AudioBooks - MobileRead Forums
Calibre considers each file a separate book in its database. The work-around I've chosen is to put all the chapters of the Audio Book into a Series by the book's actual name, ordered by chapter number. MP3 files have some metadata internally in ID3 tags. These are extracted and used to populate the metadata for the book as it is added to Calibre.
Audiobook Metadata : PleX
FreeDB - MusicBrainz
MusicBrainz - The Open Music Encyclopedia
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