We have collected the most relevant information on Audiofileopenurl. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Apple Developer Documentation
func AudioFileOpenURL (_ inFileRef: CFURL, _ inPermissions: Audio File Permissions, _ inFileTypeHint: Audio File Type ID, _ outAudioFile: Unsafe Mutable Pointer < Audio File ID?>) -> OSStatus. Parameters inFileRef. The URL of an existing audio file. inPermissions. The read-write permissions you want to assign to the file.
iphone - AudioFileOpenURL returns -43 when the CAF file ...
iphone - AudioFileOpenURL returns -43 when the CAF file exists - Stack Overflow AudioFileOpenURL returns -43 when the CAF file exists 0 Per these guidelines, I'm creating a CAF file containing PCM data. The location is in the application's documents directory, and the file seems to be there (per Xcode Organizer).
How to check metadata of an audio file in iOS
This is the first Core Audio function call: AudioFileOpenURL. There are four parameters in this function, A CFURLRef, a permission flag, a file type hint, and a pointer to receive the created AudioFileID Object. Type cast the NSURL to CFURLRef by using __bridge keyword to match the first parameter.
Your First Core Audio Application | An Overview ... - …
Here’s the first Core Audio function call: AudioFileOpenURL. It takes four parameters, a CFURLRef, a file permissions flag, a file type hint, and a pointer to receive the created AudioFileID object. You do a toll-free cast of the NSURL to a CFURLRef to match the first parameter’s defined type.
macos - Is the AudioFilePlayer audio unit sandbox ...
Note that fileURL in the AudioFileOpenURL () call is a URL obtained from security scoped bookmark data, and is the URL to a file that has been dragged into the application by …
Technical Q&A QA1786: AUAudioFilePlayer - Using the …
AUAudioFilePlayer - Using the Audio File Player Audio Unit Q: How do I set up the Audio File Player audio unit to play back a file? A: The AUAudioFilePlayer (kAudioUnitSubType_AudioFilePlayer) is a specialization (subclass) of the AUScheduledSoundPlayer that allows you to schedule regions of audio files for future playback …
afinfo terminal command | Page 4 - Mac-Forums
Why do you always get this? "Fail: AudioFileOpenURL failed" To me, it looks like it's trying to access the web/internet. It is not, the URL part is confusing, but common in the Apple SDK. In this context, the URL is meant to be the path to …
afinfo terminal command | Mac-Forums
Fail: AudioFileOpenURL failed There is something wrong with my Terminal app, something set wrong. I did exactly above what you suggested same result. ROBERTS-IMAC esktop robertmyers$ ls -l total 9417056-rw-r--r--@ 1 robertmyers staff 4692443136 Nov 30 2010 AVCHD-2d.iso-rw-rw-rw- 1 robertmyers staff 126463216 Jul 31 10:26 Audio.flac
core data get data from current week
You'll then be able to look what day of the week we currently are : NSDateComponents has this method for example : - (NSInteger)weekday. Return Value The number of weekday units for the receiver. Discussion Weekday units are the numbers 1 through n, where n is the number of days in the week. For example, in the Gregorian calendar, n is 7 and ...
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