We have collected the most relevant information on Audiomulch For Sale. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.

Purchase AudioMulch | AudioMulch

    Australian residents can purchase AudioMulch for AUD $189 (upgrade AUD $89) by buying directly using electronic funds transfer or direct bank deposit. Please contact sales@audiomulch.com for details. Volume Education Pricing. Discounts are available to educational institutions purchasing five or more AudioMulch workstation licences.

AudioMulch is software for live performance, audio ...

    AudioMulch Features. Think of AudioMulch as a computer instrument. It brings together elements of traditional analogue routing with effects and control options only possible within the computer: Performance patcher interface. Construct, …

AudioMulch by AudioMulch - Interactive Music Studio Plugin ...

    AudioMulch is an interactive musician's environment for Windows and Mac OS X (Intel processors only). It is used for live electronic music performance and composition. Other uses include mash-up performance, experimental music, sound design, music education and industry research. AudioMulch is designed for live performance and improvisation.

Download AudioMulch for Windows and Mac OS X | …

    Download AudioMulch for Windows and Mac OS X. Download a free trial of AudioMulch from one of the locations listed below. For information about the 2.2.5 update, check what's new in AudioMulch 2.2 and the release notes . Windows. XP, Vista, Windows 7, 8, 8.1 & 10. Version 2.2.4.

What is AudioMulch? | AudioMulch

    AudioMulch is an interactive musician's environment for PC and Mac. It is used for live electronic music performance, composition and sound design. AudioMulch allows you to make music by patching together a range of sound producing and processing modules. Unlike some patcher-based programming environments, AudioMulch's modules perform high ...

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