We have collected the most relevant information on Audion Pcl86. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
PCL86 - Worth a try? | diyAudio
PCL86 - Worth a try? These are essentially an ECL86 with a 13/14volt heater. The data sheet for the PCL86 goes to great lengths to disguise the fact that this tube is an ECL86 and can be used for audio. All the measurement points are adjusted slightly and all the detail about audio use is omitted.
A Simple Single Ended PCL86 Stereo Audio Amplifier | …
In the middle you can see the amplifier with the tube PCL86 in the middle and some connectors arranged around the tube. Next to the tube is the trim poti for setting the grid bias voltage. The green wires are connected to the output transformer which is in this case a 100 V transformer. Not a perfect solution but it sounds not too bad!
14GW8 / PCL86 Audio Tubes - www.thetubestore.com
14GW8 / PCL86. Replaces 14GW8 and PCL86 tube types. Assorted brands in stock. What does "NOS" mean, anyway?: Commonly known as "NOS," the term New Old Stock simply refers to tubes that were made years ago but have never been used. Much like antiques, "NOS" tubes are currently not being manufactured and this means their supply is dwindling while ...
A PCL86 SET kit with chassis from the DIY Audio Store ...
It includes two inputs (rear and 1/8″ front) and is powered by a 12Vdc power brick. This keeps the amp small enough for even desktop usage (5.5″ square). According to the ad copy, SMD components (DC booster, etc) come pre-soldered. The PCL86 is a 9 pin triode + pentode roughly equivalent to a 12AX7 and EL84 in a single envelope.
Audion mit PCL86 auf 49m und 3 m Antennendraht - …
Mein Rückkopplungsempfänger mit einer PCL86 in den Abenstunden auf dem 49m-Kurzwellenrundfunkband mit 3 m Draht als Antenne. Er ist unter http://elektronikba...
Audion optimieren am Beispiel einer PCL84 oder PCL86 ...
Allerdings ist die PCL84 auf Grund ihrer größeren Steilheit empfindlicher und scheint sich besser für kurze Innenantennen zu eignen. Optimierungsversuch von R1 (Kathodenwiderstand und R2 (Anodenwiderstand) an einem PCL86-Audion: Ich habe nun versucht an der Audionröhre den Gitterwiderstand R1 und den Anodenwiderstand R2 zu optimieren.
Now you know Audion Pcl86
Now that you know Audion Pcl86, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with information on similar questions.