We have collected the most relevant information on Audiospecificconfig. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
AudioSpecificConfig部分参数含义见:. 对TAG BODY 的解析 TAG body 有一堆的TAG 构成。. 每个TAG , 有一个TAG body header + TAG body DATA + PREVIEDATASIZE 构成 TAG BODY HEADER 11 字节 tag ty pe ( 1个字节)+tag data size ( 3个字节)+Timestamp (3个字节。. 时间戳 ) 因此,根据第一个字节, payload [0 ...
mp4parser/AudioSpecificConfig.java at master ...
mp4parser / isoparser / src / main / java / com / googlecode / mp4parser / boxes / mp4 / objectdescriptors / AudioSpecificConfig.java / Jump to Code …
#2883 (avi+aac - AudioSpecificConfig missing) – FFmpeg
Were you able to test if setting cbSize and/or adding AudioSpecificConfig fixes decoding? comment:4 by Kees, 8 years ago. I don't know how to do that properly. If i just replace 00 004A 55 with 02 0012 10, Virtualdub is able to open the file, play it and i hear the sound. But beforehand i get a warning 'AVI: Truncated or invalid compressed ...
Place of the AudioSpecificConfig - HydrogenAud
Place of the AudioSpecificConfig. Reply #3 – 2005-07-03 16:33:41. You are right: in MP4 files, the esds box contains the ES_Descriptor, which contains the DecoderCOnfig descriptor, which contains the ASC. But it's not always possible, to tell, whether SBR is contained in the stream by just parsing the ASC. 1. Print. Home. Lossy Audio Compression.
Illegal AudioSpecificConfig header | OBS Forums
Obs 20.0.1 for Windows is currently producing the following HEX 13 10 56 E5 98 for 48kHz Audio and HEX 13 90 56 E5 A0 for 44.1Khz Audio. Basically, the FrequencyIndex is being set to 6 for 48Khz and 7 for 44.1Khz. Index 6 is 24Khz and 7 is 22.050Khz. The audio frames also seem to be twice as...
HEAACWAVEFORMAT (mmreg.h) - Win32 apps | …
A byte array that contains the value of AudioSpecificConfig (), as defined by ISO/IEC 14496-3. The array might be larger than the size given in the structure declaration. Use the value of wfInfo.wfx.cbSize to determine the size. Remarks Use this structure to access the AudioSpecificConfig () data that follows an HEAACWAVEINFO structure.
格式解析 # aac - 简书
AudioSpecificConfig 描述了一个LATM 帧的信息,音频负载主要由PayloadLengthInfo(负载长度信息)和PayloadMux(负载净荷)组成。 AudioSpecificConfig 信息可以是带内传,也可以是带外传。所谓带内传,就是指每一个LATM 帧,都含有一个AudioSpecificConfig 信息;
Now you know Audiospecificconfig
Now that you know Audiospecificconfig, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with information on similar questions.