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How To Play Sounds - AVAudioPlayer Tutorial (For 2019)
In this AVAudioPlayer tutorial, we’re going to go through an example of playing a sound file that you’ve added to your Xcode project. You’ll see that it’s actually a really simple task to accomplish! Adding the framework to your project The first thing we’ll need to do is to add the AVFoundation framework to the
Apple Developer Documentation
Use an audio player to: Play audio of any duration from a file or buffer. Control the volume, panning, rate, and looping behavior of the played audio. Access playback-level metering data. Play multiple sounds simultaneously by synchronizing the playback of multiple players. For more information about preparing your app to play audio, see ...
Swift's AVAudioPlayer downloads audio files (3gp) from the ...
In conclusion, the audio file in the comment link isAudio format not supported by current iOSようですI was able to check the uncompromising behavior that I wrote in the second of the DL audio file.When you open the audio file on Mac QuickTime Player, you can ...
Tutorial: Playing Audio with AVAudioPlayer | iOS Developer ...
13 Responses to Tutorial: Playing Audio with AVAudioPlayer. Hi Alex, thanks for the feedback. I really am hoping to write up the custom AVAudioPlayer soon. I am traveling at the moment and am finding it difficult to get time to sit down and write. Also, sometimes my access to internet connections is not so good.
Now you know Avaudioplayer Header File
Now that you know Avaudioplayer Header File, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with information on similar questions.