We have collected the most relevant information on Avi2dvd Says Choose Audio Stream. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
unable to "choose audio stream" w/ Avi2dvd | AfterDawn ...
The AVI might have AC3 sound. Load the AVI with VirtualDub and do file__file information. If it is so, you need to demux it (File___save wav but save it "audio.AC3", and use that AC3 sound for your authoring purposes (the resulting of the 'blank audio' conversion will be a 'mute mpg' (if so, de-multiplex the M2V from it) or, directly and more correctly, a M2V file).
windows xp - Why won't AVI2DVD load the audio stream ...
Why won't AVI2DVD load the audio stream? 0 Windows XP SP3 I have an .avi file. It is in a folder on my "C:" drive. There are no disallowed characters in either the folder or file name. It has audio as I have watched it on my computer. I want to burn it to a DVD.
AVI2DVD gives me no choices for "Audiosource" | …
New Avi2DVD guide added! - AfterDawn
So, if the audio is Track 1 and video is Track 2, AVI2DVD can't find an audio stream. If the video is Track 1, however, and the audio is Track 2, then AVI2DVD works just fine. With that, I now know how to fix the .mkv files that AVI2DVD can't find an audio stream in, by unpacking and repacking the audio and video into the correct order.
Avi2DVD no Audiostream - VideoHelp Forum
When I load an AVI file into AVI2DVD about 95% of the time it won't show any audiostream. Any ideas? Any ideas? yeah buddy, i had the …
Avi2Dvd user reviews - VideoHelp
Just tried using .45 Beta on a few different AVI and Xvid files and it dosnt pick up the details of the file like the FPS etc.. also unable to choose an Audio stream. I will give .44 a go and see if that picks up all the details. Using Vista 32Bit, mind you there could be a …
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