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AVIFileGetStream function (vfw.h) - Win32 apps | …
The AVIFileGetStream function returns the address of a stream interface that is associated with a specified AVI file. Syntax C++ HRESULT AVIFileGetStream( PAVIFILE pfile, PAVISTREAM *ppavi, DWORD fccType, LONG lParam ); Parameters pfile Handle to an open AVI file. ppavi Pointer to the new stream interface. fccType
AVIFileGetStream | Microsoft Docs
The AVIFileGetStream function returns the address of a stream interface that is associated with a specified AVI file. STDAPI AVIFileGetStream ( PAVIFILE pfile, PAVISTREAM * ppavi, DWORD fccType, LONG lParam ); Parameters pfile Handle to an open AVI file. ppavi Pointer to the new stream interface. fccType
Get AVI Viewer Free - Microsoft Store
Description Open and play your audio & video files instantly today with this app. This app supports many formats such as 3g2 / 3gp / wma / wmv and many more formats. Play your .AVI files today instantly with this app. Screenshots People also like WMV Viewer Free Free Express Burn $69.99 DVD CD Blu-Ray Burner Free +
AVIStreamOpenFromFileA function (vfw.h) - Win32 apps ...
The AVIStreamOpenFromFile function opens a single stream from a file. Syntax HRESULT AVIStreamOpenFromFileA ( PAVISTREAM *ppavi, LPCSTR szFile, DWORD fccType, LONG lParam, UINT mode, CLSID *pclsidHandler ); Parameters ppavi Pointer to a buffer that receives the new stream handle. szFile
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