We have collected the most relevant information on Avp Audio Diaries. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.

Aliens vs. Predator audio diaries | Xenopedia | Fandom

    Below is a list of all audio diaries that can be collected in the 2010 video game Aliens vs. Predator. There are a total of 67 audio diaries in the game. The game's audio diaries can only be found in the Marine campaign. They primarily consist of recordings from Weyland and Groves detailing their discovery of the Xenomorphs o…

Audio diaries - Colony | Audio diaries - Aliens vs ...

    Next Audio diaries Refinery Prev Predator Campaign Pyramid. Aquila, T. [#1] - after killing the first alien go straight ahead. After a short walk you will get into the room. The diary is on the table. Brewer, N.B. [#1] - after killing the second alien you will find yourself on the surface. Go to the F building an look around the area near the door.

Audio diaries - Ruins | Audio diaries - Aliens vs Predator ...

    Next Audio diaries Research Lab Prev Audio diaries Jungle. Banner, D. [#1] - after the cut scene you will be in the labyrinth. When you will come across the ancient mechanism, turn left. The diary is near the dead soldier. Banner, D. [#2] - after dealing with the predator go to the small building near the transmitter. When you will be attacked ...

AVP Aliens vs Predator | Audio Diaries - YouTube

    All Audio Diaries from the Aliens versus Predator Colonial Marine singleplayer campaign sorted in a chronological order.---The events take place on the plane...

Alien vs Predator: All 67 Audio Diary Locations Part 1/2 ...

    This video is part 1 of my guide to all 67 audio diaries.

Audio Logs - Aliens vs. Predator Wiki Guide - IGN

    Aliens vs. Predator. Aliens vs. Predator allows players to take the role of three infamous species: Colonial Marines, Predators and Aliens. ESRB: Mature. Blood and Gore, Strong Language, Intense ...

Aliens Vs Predator - Marine Audio Diaries - Ruins - YouTube

    There are 13 Audio Diaries in RuinsComment, Rate and Subscribe!

AvP Collectable Locations | GamesRadar+

    AvP Collectable Locations This guide will tell you where to find the Audio Diaries for the Marines, Royal Jelly for the Aliens and Trophy Belts for the Predators. *** *** Colony: Aquila, T. Entry ...

AH Guide: AvP: Marine Audio Diaries Part 1 | Rooster …

    TudorVII begins the search for the Harsh Language achievement by collecting the first 15 Audio Diaries in Marine mission 1, the Colony. Join FIRST to watch e...

Harsh Language achievement in Aliens vs. Predator

    You can see which audio diaries are missing in the menu. I'm using the IGN guide to localise the missing ones, and it helped a lot so far. Posted by Firiath on 26 Feb 13 at 20:00.

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