We have collected the most relevant information on Bekesy Audiometry Wikipedia. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Audiometer - Wikipedia
An audiometer is a machine used for evaluating hearing acuity. They usually consist of an embedded hardware unit connected to a pair of headphones and a test subject feedback button, sometimes controlled by a standard PC. Such systems can also be used with bone vibrators, to test conductive hearing mechanisms.
Békésy audiometry - zxc.wiki
Békésy audiometry from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Békésy audiometry is a measurement method for the hearing in the Otorhinolaryngology . An automatic tone audiometer is used here, in which the test person controls the audiometer himself by pressing a push button and thus records the hearing threshold himself.
Georg von Békésy - Wikipedia
Békésy contributed most notably to our understanding of the mechanism by which sound frequencies are registered in the inner ear. He developed a method for dissecting the inner ear of human cadavers while leaving the cochlea partly intact.
Pure tone audiometry - Wikipedia
Pure tone audiometry or pure-tone audiometry is the main hearing test used to identify hearing threshold levels of an individual, enabling determination of the degree, type and configuration of a hearing loss and thus providing a basis for diagnosis and management.
Auto – Békésy - Interacoustics
Description Békésy is an automatic method of measuring audiometric thresholds. It can be used for audiometric screening or in differentiation between the cause of the hearing loss e.g. non-organic hearing loss (Gelfand, 2009) or the origin of the damage in the ear (conductive, cochlear or retro cochlear) (James Jerger, 1962).
BEKESY AUDIOMETRY PDF - kobepascher.info
The Bekesy Audiometer in its pulsed mode of operation customarily presents tones at a repetition rate of /sec with a duration of about msec and a rise- fall. Bekesy Audiometry in Analysis of Auditory Disorders. James Jerger. James Jerger. James Jerger (Ph.D., Northwestern University, ) is Associate Professor.
Carefully screened normal-hearing young adults (5M, 25 F) performed a fixed- frequency version of high-frequency Bekesy audiometry (HFBA) with pure tones. The Bekesy Audiometer in its pulsed mode of operation customarily presents tones at a repetition rate of /sec with a duration of about msec and a rise- fall.
Bekesy audiometry | definition of Bekesy audiometry by ...
audiometry in which the subject controls increases and decreases in intensity at a fixed frequency or, more unusually, as the frequency of the stimulus is gradually changed so that the subject traces back and forth across the threshold of hearing. Synonym(s): automatic audiometry Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 Békésy,
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