We have collected the most relevant information on Bible Persian Audio. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Bible in Persian - Apps on Google Play
صوتی کتاب مقدس به زبان فارسی - Audio Bible in the Persian ...
صوتی کتاب مقدس Persian [Farsi] Audio Bible در صورت استفاده از دستگاه اندروید و اپل می توانید Bible App را دانلود کرده و کتابمقدس را به زبان فارسی و ۳۶ زبان دیگر بخوانید و بشنوید. [Book Nos.] عهد قديم - [O.T.] پیدایش خروج لاویان اعداد تَثنيه يوشَع داوران روت اول سموئيل دوم سموئيل اول پادشاهان دوم پادشاهان اول تواريخ دوم تواريخ عِزرا نِحِميا اِستر
Listen Online | Talking Bibles
Persian is also known as Farsi, Parsi, and Dari. Listen here for free to the Bible in Persian. Garbicha. A Changed Life Story. Asked about the changes in himself and his village since he received a Talking Bible, Garbicha says, “I cannot explain to you everything that has happened to me and in this village – there is not enough time.”.
Listen Free to Persian Audio Bible - Persian Contemporary ...
Enjoy this audio recording of the Persian Contemporary Bible™, read by two readers. The Persian Contemporary Bible™ offers a faithful rendering of Scripture’s original word order while also delivering the most comprehensive and clear translation of the Bible’s stories and concepts in the Persian language. Genres: Religion & Spirituality >
کتاب مقدس به زبان فارسی با متن صوتی - کتاب مقدس در فارسی ...
リ「ロ鈷ァリェ レ・・ッ ル・・ァリィリケ リャリウリェリャル・/bdo> リッリァル・・畏ッ リオル・ュル・・リァリオル・・/bdo>/ Bibles/ -AAA+ レゥリェリァリィ ル・ぺッリウ Persian (Farsi) Holy Bible ル・キル・ァル・ル舘ゥ レゥリェリァリィ リァリイ レゥリェリァリィ ル・ぺッリウ リアリァ リッリア リイリィリァル・ル・ァリアリウロ・リァル・ェリョリァリィ …
Amazon.com: Persian (Farsi) Audio Bible Player (New ...
TPV Bible | مژده برای عصر جدید | YouVersion
فارسی [Farsi (Persian)] Read Version: مژده برای عصر جدید Audio Bible: مژده برای عصر جدید. Download the Free Bible App.
Persian (Farsi Western) Bible in MP3 - Bible in Persian ...
The Bible in Persian, Iranian - WorldBibles.org
Sample text from the Persian, Iranian Bible. Other resources for the Bible in the Persian, Iranian Language. Joshua Project. ethnologue.com. findabible.net. Bible publication dates. First portion was published in 1546. The New Testament was published in 1815. The Complete Bible was published in 1838.
BibleGateway.com- Audio Bibles
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