We have collected the most relevant information on Brett Favre Audio Voicemail. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Cele|bitchy | Brett Favre’s lame voicemails and alleged ...
Brett Favre, Jenn Sterger. Deadspin has a video that features voicemail and online messages allegedly from married former NY Jets quarterback Brett Favre, 40, to a now 26 year-old female then-employee of his team, Jenn Sterger, that were sent in 2008. According to the story on Deadspin, Sterger received myspace and voicemail messages from someone sounding …
Brett Favre Voicemails to Jenn Sterger - YouTube
Brett Favre's Voicemails to Jenn Sterger..For more Real Sports, Real Dirt check out http://www.terezowens.com/
Brett Favre exposed as Deadspin post reveals voicemails ...
Brett Favre exposed as Deadspin post reveals voicemails, lewd photos allegedly sent to Jenn Sterger. ... "Send me a text," Favre said in one voicemail. "Love to see you tonight."
Report: Favre Admits to Voicemails, Not Photos
10/24/2010 9:40 AM PT. Brett Favre admitted to NFL officials that he left voicemails for Jenn Sterger, but denied sending her salacious photos ... this according to a report by Fox Sports. Favre ...
Brett Favre's Voicemails and Dong Pics To Jenn Sterger Are ...
NFL. Brett Favre’s Voicemails and Dong Pics To Jenn Sterger Are Going Viral! (Video) A few months back when everyone was busy speculating as to whether or not Brett Favre would return to the ...
Brett Favre owns up to voicemail sent to Hoboken's Jenn ...
Hall of Fame-bound QB Brett Favre has admitted sending former Jets game day hostess and Hoboken resident Jenn Sterger voicemails, but has denied texting her inappropriate pictures of himself ...
Brett Favre repays $600,000 to Mississippi after auditor ...
NFL legend Brett Favre and hockey star Bobby Orr endorse Trump After paying $600,000 this week, Favre must pay the remaining $228,000 in interest within 30 days to avoid a legal issue, auditor's ...
Woman in Brett Favre Scandal Speaks Out - ABC News …
Favre has admitted to leaving the voicemails but not to sending inappropriate pictures of himself. The NFL did not conclude that Favre sent the messages, but fined him $50,000 in December 2010, reprimanding him for not being "candid in several respects during the investigation, resulting in a longer review and additional negative public attention," the league said.
FREEDOM EDEN: Favre Photos and Voicemail
Yes, it is. But the Favre-Moss teaming is getting upstaged a wee bit by Deadspin. Show Me the Crocs! Deadspin may be ready to publish with what it claims to be photo text messages of Brett Favre's penis, sent to New York Jets sideline reporter Jenn Sterger. Yes, the infamous Crocs-shot story has returned.
Carl Gerbschmidt audio - Soundboard.com - Create ...
Brett Favre retirement. Best you can do. Share Carl Gerbschmidt audio: Related Boards: John Cena Wrestler clips. 12 Tracks 109271 Views. Randy Macho Man Savage clips. 28 Tracks 139803 Views. Sounds of Baseball. 11 Tracks 141659 Views. Mike Tyson - Sound Bites. 16 Tracks 152541 Views. COMMENTS
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