We have collected the most relevant information on Bss Audio Fds-355. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
FDS-355 OMNIDRIVE | BSS Networked Audio Systems
The FDS-355 fits many applications: For front-of-house, it can be set up as simple stereo 2-way, or paired for 5-way systems. In stage monitor systems, it can function as a dual bi-amp crossover with delay, limiters and EQ, providing an interesting solution to on-stage hotspots caused by monitors with identical signals, which can be eliminated by applying small delays …
Untitled-1 [bssaudio.com]
The FDS-355 has a universal voltage AC Power input. Connect the FDS-355 to AC Power with the lead supplied. The unit will switch on automatically (there is no separate on/off switch). The display will show the default screen, with the current program (if selected), and overall system response curves. Audio connections
FDS-355 Manuel utilisateur - BSS Networked Audio Systems
FDS-355 Omnidrive Connexion Electrique Le FDS-355 a une entrée secteur universelle. Connecter le FDS-355 au secteur avec le câble fournit. L’appareil s’allumera automatiquement (il n’y a pas d’interrupteur marche/arrêt). L’appareil affiche alors l’écran par défaut, avec le
FDS-355 Omnidrive - BSS Audio FDS-355 Omnidrive - Audiofanzine
Annonces BSS Audio FDS-355 Omnidrive Send me a notification via email whenever there is a new ad on this product. Images. See all 41 photos of BSS Audio FDS-355 Omnidrive . Reviews. Average Score: (5/5 based on 1 review) 1 user review. 100 %. Write a user review. KiKor
Untitled-1 [bssaudio.com]
El FDS 355 utiliza una entrada de corriente alterna estándar, suministrando además el cable y el conector apropiados para dicha conexión. La unidad se enciende automáticamente (es decir, no hay interruptor de encendido) mostrando la pantalla inicial con el programa seleccionado y todas las curvas de respuesta del sistema. Conexiones de audio
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