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How to burn .dts audio and dts wav onto dvd | AVS Forum
If you burn it in the correct format on the correct disc they will play just fine. DTS-audio containing VOB files burned to DVD play just like any other DVD. DTS wavs burned to CD will play just like a CD. And, if you do it correctly, standard wavs OR DTS wavs burned to a DVD (an "audio DVD") will play just fine, too. L laptopdoc Banned
How To Create A 5.1 DTS-CD From A DVD-Audio Disc
Once extracted, you can create DTS-encoded WAV files, which you can burn as a regular audio CD, and play on any DVD/Blu-ray player with DTS decoding (or any player with DTS pass-through to a separate DTS-enabled amplifier). Firstly, you need to copy the whole DVD-A disc to your hard drive, as an ISO file. I’d recommend CD Burner XP.
Can i create a DVD-Audio using DTS-based audio files ...
If you talking about lossy DTS than you don't need it be a DVD-A, the discs you burning[DVD-V] is more than up to the task.
DTS 5.1 .wav files to DVD-Audio - Hydrogenaudio
DTS 5.1 .wav files to DVD-Audio. Hi, Thanks for the response. You've saved me a lot of trouble that would have resulted in no gain. I've tried PowerDVD 7 deluxe and WinDVD 7 Platinum. I've tried KM Player, Media Player Classic with the DTSWAVSource.ax and dtsac3source.ax, and ffdshow in use. I've had no luck at all.
Burning .dts files to a cd/dvd? - VideoHelp Forum
obviously the files are in DTS (16Bit48KHz) -> no need to decode in WAV and encode to DTSWAV for burning them to a CDAudio. - it simply makes no sence-. Leave the sound files (DTS) untouched! so let´s stay on DVD ~> take a look at DVDLab, it offers a Audio mode in which he automatically creates dummy video tracks for your DVD-Video.
DTS 5.1 Surround DVD Audio Authoring/Burning - How ...
Deliver your final 5.1 master as a flac file for computer media players (or .mkv file if it includes video). Then there are the lossless disc formats DVDA and bluray for those with hardware disc players. Then hold your nose and include the lossy dts or dolby encode just so everyone with old machines can at least attempt to hear it.
DVD Audio Extractor -- Blu-ray to DTS CD Guide
Browse to the output folder, select the just created file suffixed with *.cue and click Open. A Burn Compilation window will pop up. Insert a black CD-R disc in to your CD recorder and click the Burn button ( ). Wait till the burning process finished. Now …
How do I burn DTS files to a disc? - Digital Spy
0. Comments. DJPT Posts: 4,533. Forum Member. 05/07/11 - 19:57 #2. Demux .DTS files with Tranzcode. resample to 44.1khz with audio commander or similar. Remux and encode with Surcode to wav files. burn with Nero.
How to burn/play DTS audio cd's - VideoHelp Forum
resample to 44.1khz with audio commander or similar Remux and encode with Surcode to wav files burn with Nero. Works fine for me. The issue I had is that most of the DTS files I was using were meant for a DVD-A output. they are 48Khz and can't be recorded using redbook audio CD authoring tools.
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