We have collected the most relevant information on Cambridge Audio Azur 651a Vs Marantz Pm6005. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Compare Marantz PM6005 vs Cambridge Audio 651A
Comparing Marantz PM6005 and Cambridge Audio 651A? Our Virginia-based experts can help you find the best gear. Get FREE 2-day shipping and free lifetime tech support with your order.
Cambridge audio vs Marantz Amp-model by model review ...
Difference in Marantz vs Cambridge audio sound quality shows Marantz PM6006 amplifier delivers better and richer sound. Comparing Marantz PM 6005 vs PM6006, the PM6006 is slightly better and clearer. It has a balanced and smooth sound profile. Music or movies are crispier and has a certain warmth while connected to this amplifier.
Marantz PM6005 Amplifier review and test
The Cambridge Audio is a hard act to follow, but then again Marantz is pretty good at doing affordable amps that sound great - and so it proves with the PM6005. Overall, it ranks very close to the 651A, with almost all the good points of the Cambridge Audio offering, but a few key distinguishing features.
初燒~二聲道擴大機3選1,MARANTZ PM-6005/NAD C356BEE …
目前有3款綜合擴大機在挑,MARANTZ PM-6005 / NAD C356BEE DAC / Cambridge Audio Azur 651A (都是約3萬左右) NAD好像有DAC,可是聽過有些他牌附加的DAC都不是太好聽,想聽聽前輩們怎麼選,請給點意見給小弟~謝謝~
Marantz vs Cambridge audio | AVS Forum
While looking for a worthy upgrade to my $500 Marantz SR5003 stumbled across the Cambridge Audio Azur 551. It's needless to say, the MArantz is a consumer AV. CA on the other hand is said to be 'low end of the high-end". Sound and vision did some measurements for both of these boxes: Azur 551: www dot soundandvision dot com/content/cambridge ...
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