We have collected the most relevant information on Carver Audio Repair Reviews. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Carver Audio Repair Reviews - Gersham, OR | Angi
Carver Audio Repair is determined to provide you with the highest quality service for your Carver equipment. We are dedicated to repairing your equipment to, at minimum, factory specifications. With over 30 years in the audio industry we have seen it all. Please look at our custom page for details on specialized services. DBA Hi-Tech Audio LTD...
Carver Audio Repair
Carver Audio Repair is determined to provide you with the highest quality service for your Carver equipment. We are dedicated to repairing your equipment to, at minimum, factory specifications. With over 34 years in the audio industry we have tens of thousands of hours of trouble shooting, debugging & modification techniques.
Bob Carver Audio Repair vs. Hi Tech Audio Repair ...
Rolland restored a Carver M400a power amplifier I purchased at Christmas. He did a terrific job. I've never had a piece of equipment sound this good with the rest of my system. I was thinking about having my PM-300 restored to factory specs too. I might check out Rita's place if I don't go with Rolland, although I'm leaning toward Rolland.
Nelion Audio - Authorized Carver Repair
Welcome to Nelion Audio, LLC (formerly Carvermk2.com). We're a Carver service center, recommended repair, restoration and upgrade business focused on creating the very best vintage audio experience for you. We'd like to extend our gratitude to you for visiting our site. We take a lot of pride in our services, products and workmanship.
Carver audio forum, free Carver manuals, Carver audio ...
We have manuals. They are free. However, please consider donating to the site so we can continue to expand our resources. Our paypal is [email protected]. If you are looking for service for your audio gear, please contact [email protected] for a Bob Carver recommended repair team, or visit HERE.
Vintage Carver - High-End Audio Discussion Forum
55 posts. 03-13-2018 11:06pm. Edit. Delete. I am using a pair of TFM-35x amps bi-wired to drive my 2 channel system. I recently had them fully recapped and serviced by Rolland @ HiTech Audio in southern WA. Both amps are from the early 90's and both were functioning ok before the service. After the service I've fallen in love all over again.
Hi-Tech Audio Ltd. - carver audio, repair
Hi-Tech Audio Ltd. Address: 2241 Loop Road Stevenson, WA 98648. Telephone: 503-618-7605 Office Hours: From 10:00 am to 6:00 pm PST Monday through Friday Email: [email protected] This is the national service center for Carver & Phase Linear products, please feel free to call for service and shipping information,
Service and Support - bobcarvercorp.com
In forty years, Bob Carver has established only four real audio companies--Phase Linear, Carver, Sunfire and now, the Bob Carver Company. In the case of the former three, the corporate "suits" and Bob regulary disagreed on the direction of the brand and he left each reluctantly.
Carver Repair FAQ - Nelion Audio
Nelion Audio is a recommended Carver restoration audio tech lab. ... When I started this business, I had one goal in mind - to be the most trusted, and best known restoration and repair service shop for audio. A real business that stands behind its products is expensive to run. I decided to take the risk of doing completely honest and ...
Best 15 Home Theater & Automation Installers in ... - Houzz
121 jhang. ion, Bangkok 2332, Thailand Dahua Technogy (Thailand) Co., Ltd. We progress our sustainability by searching for new innovative products and being the lead for distributing those... Read more Send Message View Phone Number 444 Olympia Thai Tower, 16th, 21th Floor,, Ratchadaphisek Road, Samsen Nok, Huai Khwang,, Bangkok 10310, Thailand
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