We have collected the most relevant information on Claudio Corallo New Statesman. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
The chocolate king of SA£o TomAc - New Statesman
The consul’s name is Claudio Corallo. He is 57 and lean, with neat grey hair, a matching moustache and an inventor’s lively eyes. He speaks five languages fluently, and English sparingly and excitedly.
Life, Liberty, and Fine Chocolate - Utne - Cure Ignorance
The consul’s name is Claudio Corallo. He is 58 and lean, with close-cropped, neat gray hair, a matching mustache, and an inventor’s lively eyes. He speaks five languages fluently, and English sparingly and excitedly.
Claudio Corallo - Join Cocoa Runners
Claudio Corallo’s life can only be called extraordinary. Born in Italy, Claudio moved to Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of Congo) when he was 23 and took a job as an agricultural researcher for the government. After a few years he bought a coffee plantation in the centre of the country, a 1,000km boat trip away from the capital.
Claudio Corallo - Another way to interpret cocoa, the ...
Claudio Corallo is the creator of this miracle: a cocoa without bitterness. The best chocolate you'd ever tasted. Discover it!
Claudio Corallo - Another way to interpret cocoa, the ...
The beginning. Claudio Corallo has 40 years of experience in producing coffee and chocolate, working mainly in Africa and for shorter periods also in Latin America (Bolivia). In 1974, at the age of 23, he moved to Zaire and after several years of working in the coffee trade, he acquired his own plantations in the center of the country.
Claudio Corallo - Another way to interpret cocoa, the ...
Claudio has over 40 years of experience with coffee. That's why he thought of combining coffee and chocolate. Liberica is a blend of 70%-chocolate with a coffee species that Claudio grows on the Terreiro Velho plantation: the Liberica species. Liberica is ancient and very fragrant, but only little cultivated as low yielding and its grains, big ...
Alcohol and Drugs History Society: Africa - Typepad
Reprinted from New Statesman, January 15, 2009. Discusses Claudio Corallo who has a cocoa plantation on Principe, the twin isle of Sao Tome. Previously Corallo had grown coffee in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire) and now grows coffee on Sao Tome. He now is thinking of making rum too.
Claudio Corallo - Another way to interpret cocoa, the ...
IDENTITY OF THE SELLER. Name seller: Claudio Corallo B.V. Email: [email protected]. Chamber of Commerce: 58749918. 3. APPLICABILITY. These general terms and conditions apply to every offer made by the seller and to every distance contract that is realised between the seller and a customer. These general terms and …
Claudio Corallo Is Now Named Marie & Freres - …
The truly pleasant owner, Marie-Françoise Barnhart, tells me that the wee store on Westlake we know as Claudio Corallo is in the process of expanding its offerings. This means it will stock additional artisanal producers, not just those of the eponymous chocolatier, hence the new name (a reference to Barnhart and her two brothers).
Alcohol and Drugs History Society: Italy - Typepad
Reprinted from New Statesman, January 15, 2009. Discusses Claudio Corallo who has a cocoa plantation on Principe, the twin isle of Sao Tome. Previously Corallo had grown coffee in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire) and now grows coffee on Sao Tome. He now is thinking of making rum too.
Now you know Claudio Corallo New Statesman
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