We have collected the most relevant information on Claudio Podeschi San Marino. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.

Claudio Podeschi | San Marino watch

    The association between Stathis and Phua is close. It was Stathis who introduced Phua to San Marino politician Claudio Podeschi, the introduction that led to the poker player’s appointment as ambassador. FBI intercepts show that it was Stathis whom Phua’s son Darren turned to when the Macau police made the initial arrest.

Claudio Podeschi - zxc.wiki

    Claudio Podeschi (born October 20, 1956 in San Marino) is a San Marino politician.Podeschi was Capitano Reggente (head of state) in 1991 and was a minister several times.. Podeschi is a member of the PDCS, for which he sat from 1988 to 2012 in the Consiglio Grande e Generale, the San Marinese parliament.From 1988 to 1993 and again from 2001 to 2006 he was group …

Claudio Podeschi – Wikipedia

    Claudio Podeschi (* 20.Oktober 1956 in San Marino) ist ein san-marinesischer Politiker.Podeschi war 1991 Capitano Reggente (Staatsoberhaupt) und war mehrfach Minister.. Podeschi ist Mitglied des PDCS, für den er von 1988 bis 2012 im Consiglio Grande e Generale, dem san-marinesischen Parlament saß.Von 1988 bis 1993 und erneut von 2001 bis 2006 war …

Claudio Podeschi - Wikiwand

    Claudio Podeschi (* 20.Oktober 1956 in San Marino) ist ein san-marinesischer Politiker.Podeschi war 1991 Capitano Reggente (Staatsoberhaupt) und war mehrfach Minister.. Podeschi ist Mitglied des PDCS, für den er von 1988 bis 2012 im Consiglio Grande e Generale, dem san-marinesischen Parlament saß.Von 1988 bis 1993 und erneut von 2001 bis 2006 war er Fraktionsvorsitzender.

Claudio Podeschi - Wikiwand

    Claudio Podeschi adalah seorang politikus San Marino yang pernah menjabat sebagai Wali Kapten, yaitu salah satu dari dua kepala negara Republik San Marino yang dipilih setiap enam bulan. Ia menjabat dari tanggal 1 April 1991 hingga 1 …

Arresto Podeschi: la Fondazione era un ... - San Marino RTV

    Torniamo sull'arresto di Claudio Podeschi: per gli inquirenti, la Fondazione era solo un paravento e serviva a schermare capitali illeciti per riversarli poi in favore dei consociati. La Fondazione per la promozione economica e finanziaria doveva servire a trovare investitori per San Marino: li trovò, versarono qualcosa come 11 milioni di euro, ma per gli inquirenti non ne …


    2 PODESCHI v. SAN MARINO JUDGMENT THE FACTS I. THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE A. Background to the case 5. The applicant was born in 1956 and lives in San Marino. He is a politician. 6. The applicant was the subject of an investigation related to two sets of criminal proceedings (nos. 769/12 and 184/14) which were eventually

(PDF) Welcome note Republic of San Marino

    Claudio Podeschi, Minister of Health San Marino Correspondence to: Claudio Podeschi, E-mail: paolo.pasini@iss.sm It is a pleasure to welcome and host you here in the Republic of San Marino.

San Marino - CIA

    San Marino. Leaders and Cabinet Members Captain Regent (Co-Head of State) Denis AMICI. Captain Regent (Co-Head of State) Antonella MULARONI. Sec. of Budget & Finance. Claudio FELICI. Sec. of Health, Social Security, & Social Affairs. Claudio PODESCHI. Sec. of Industry & Trade. Marco ARZILLI. Sec. of Interior & Civil Protection. Valeria CIAVATTA ...

San Marino. Maxi-processo Conto Mazzini. Udienza densa di ...

    Degli investimenti a San Marino Murray parlò solo con De Magalhaes e Pietro Silva. Incontrò molti politici, tra i quali anche Claudio Podeschi che, tuttavia, a domanda specifica rivoltagli dalle parti civili, ha risposto che non ebbe alcun ruolo nella trattativa sulle telecomunicazioni, ”ci incoraggiò soltanto, se lo ritenevamo, ad andare ...

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