We have collected the most relevant information on Claudio Zulian Born. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Born (2014) - IMDb
Born: Directed by Claudio Zulian. With Vicky Luengo, Josep Julien, Marc Martínez, Mercè Arànega. Based on real events, the film follows the adventures of coppersmith Bonaventura, his sister Marianna and the rich merchant Vicenç, with whom both have pending issues. All of them lived at the beginning of c XVIII in the disappeared neighbourhood of El …
Born (EN) | claudiozulian
CLAUDIO ZULIAN. PROJECTS. BIO/CV. BIBLIOGRAPHY. CONTACT. Español. English. BORN. 2014. Feature fiction film. 120 min. Cast: Marc Martínez, Vicky Luengo, Josep Julien and Mercè Arànega. An Acteon production in collaboration with Generalitat de Catalunya, Ajuntament de Barcelona, Fundació Noguera, Obra Social La Caixa, Museu de la Música de ...
Claudio Zulian - IMDb
Claudio Zulian, Director: Born. Claudio Zulian is a director and writer, known for Born (2014), The Shifting City (2008) and Sin miedo (2017).
Claudio Zulian | Interviews from Yale University Radio WYBCX
Claudio Zulian is a visual and sound artist, film director, writer and musician. He holds a PhD in Aesthetics, Science and Technology of the Arts from the University of Paris-Saint Denis (France). He is a resident in Barcelona (Spain).
Claudio Zulian - museumofnonvisibleart.com
Claudio Zulian is a visual and sound artist, film director, writer and musician. He holds a PhD in Aesthetics, Science and Technology of the Arts from the University of Paris-Saint Denis (France). He is a resident in Barcelona (Spain).
Claudio Zulian | Artist | ArtFacts
The artist Claudio Zulian is ranked among the Top 100,000 on ArtFacts. Find out more...
Claudio Zulian: "Barcelona té una llarga tradició de ...
Claudio Zulian: “Barcelona té una llarga tradició de moviments d’immigrants”. El cineasta i videoartista Claudio Zulian estrenarà el dia 30 de juny a betevé el documental ‘No nacimos refugiados’ i ens en ve a parlar a l”Àrtic’. Asaari Bibang: “La gent no creu que sigui racista que et diguin ‘conguito'”.
BORN un film de CLAUDIO ZULIAN - YouTube
Review: We Were Not Born Refugees - Cineuropa
Italian-born Spaniard Claudio Zulian has always moved between cinema, TV, visual arts, music, theatre and literature, and has always shown the same sensitivity towards social issues, with one of his recent documentaries, Fearless, focusing on the fight fought by the families of “los desaparesidos” at the time of the Guatemalan dictatorships.
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