We have collected the most relevant information on Common Chinese Phrases Audio. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
100 Chinese Phrases with Audio - Nemo Language Apps
100 Chinese Phrases with Audio Take these words with you. Download our free Chinese learning app for iPhone, iPad and Android. Chinese Phrasebook 你好 Níhǎo Hello 谢谢 Xièxie Thank you …
Chinese Phrases with Audio - Learn Languages
wǒ kě yǐ bāng nǐ ma? 我可以帮你吗? can you help me? nǐ néng bāng wǒ ma? 你能帮我吗? do you speak English? nǐ jiǎng yīng yǔ ma? 你讲英语吗? what time is it? xiàn zài jī diǎn le? 现在几点了 ? how much is this? zhè gè duō shǎo qián? 这个多少钱? what is your name? nǐ jiào shén mē míng zì? 你叫什么名字? where do you live? nǐ zhù zài nǎ lǐ? 你住在哪里?
Most Useful Chinese Phrases (AUDIO)101 Languages
Check out these useful phrases to learn some conversational basics. Great for beginners and travelers looking to brush up on their Chinese. Contents [ hide] 1 How to say Thank You in Chinese. 2 How to say You’re Welcome in Chinese. 3 How to get what you want using Chinese. 4 Basic Chinese Greetings. 5 How to say Goodbye in Chinese.
Chinese Phrases - Rocket Languages
Chinese Phrases. It's easy to learn Chinese phrases with these free Chinese audio lessons. The Rocket Chinese team has created online lists of common Chinese phrases to help you survive in a Chinese-speaking environment. We’ve included the English translation, audio for Chinese pronunciation, and helpful cultural tips along the way!
121 Common Chinese Phrases To Survive Your First ...
Common Chinese Phrases - Learn a Language
Chinese: What a shame : Zhēn kěxí: I can't believe it: Wǒ jiǎnzhí bù gǎn xiāngxìn: What time is it? Xiànzài shì shénme shíhou? Can you help me? Nǐ néng bāngzhù wǒ ma? I'm running late. Wǒ chídào le. How's your family? Nǐ de jiārén hǎo ma? Where do you work? Nǐ zài nǎer gōngzuò? Where are you from? Nǐ cóng nǎlǐ lái?
1,000 Most Common Chinese Words (with AUDIO)101 Languages
110 Useful Chinese Phrases to Have Your First …
Funny Chinese Phrases. Some Chinese phrases don’t translate well into English, making their literal meaning quite funny for English speakers. Here are some funny Chinese phrases, sayings, and slang to add to your list. A chatterbox | Lit.: “A mouth like running water”: tānhuāluànzhuì (天 …
Mandarin Chinese Phrases - Transparent Language
Basic Mandarin Chinese Phrases. zhèng què. Yes. 正确。 cuò wù. No. 错误。 qǐng. Please. 请。 xiè xiè nín. Thank you. 谢谢您。 bú kè qì. You're velcome. 不客气。 láo jià. Excuse me. 劳驾。 dùi bù qǐ. I am sorry. 对不起。 zǎo chén hǎo. Good morning. 早晨好。 wǎn shàng hǎo. Good evening. 晚上好。 wǎn ān. Good night. 晚安。
Useful Chinese Phrases - Basic and Common Chinese Phrases
Chinese Pinyin; Yes: 是 : Shì: No: 不是 : Búshì : Hello: 你好 : Nǐ hǎo: How are you: 你好吗 : Nǐ hǎo ma: Fine, thank you: 很好, 谢谢 : Hěn hǎo, xièxie: May I please ask, what is your name: 请问你叫什么名字 : Qǐngwèn nǐjiào shěnme míngzi: What is your name: 你叫什么名字 : Nǐ jiào shénme míngzi: My name is _____ 我叫 _____ Wǒ jiào _____
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