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Audioactive Decay © Copyright 1993 Mario Hilgemeier
wu :: forums - Conway Sequence - Audioactive Decay
Topic: Conway Sequence - Audioactive Decay (Read 2473 times) william wu wu::riddles Administrator Gender: Posts: 1291: Conway Sequence - Audioactive Decay « …
Audioactive Decay © Copyright 1993 Mario Hilgemeier
In analogy to the decay of radioactive elements, Conway called the splitting process "decay". If you start with the number 1 (or any other character) and let it grow for some hundred iterations, you get only 92 (mostly instable) elements of the audioactive decay.
The Weird and Wonderful Chemistry of Audioactive …
The Weird and Wonderful Chemistry of Audioactive Decay. @inproceedings {Conway1987TheWA, title= {The Weird and Wonderful Chemistry of Audioactive Decay}, author= {J. Conway}, year= {1987} } J. Conway. Published 1987. View via Publisher.
The weird and wonderful chemistry of audioactive decay …
The weird and wonderful chemistry of audioactive decay (1987) by J H Conway Venue: Open Problems in Communication and Computation: Add To MetaCart. Tools. Sorted by ... and applies it to the proof of Conway’s Lost Cosmological Theorem, a combinatorial proposition analogous to the four color theorem or Kepler’s conjecture, which essentially ...
The Weird and Wonderful Chemistry of Audioactive …
Cite this chapter as: Conway J.H. (1987) The Weird and Wonderful Chemistry of Audioactive Decay. In: Cover T.M., Gopinath B. (eds) Open Problems in Communication and Computation.
This paper walks through the theory of Conway’s “audioactive decay”, showing how some key results in Conway’s theory can be proved by the abstract interpreta-tion technique: the Starting Theorem, the correctness of a parsimonious splitting function, and the Cosmological Theorem. For the most part the development is
Circular Representation of Audioactive Decay
have to see that Conway's audioactive decay can be understood as a system of equations. The solution of this system of equations (by iteration) gives the abundances. Let me clarify this by a simpler string-rewriting system (like the GZR). The GZR …
Audioactive decay
(Redirected from Audioactive decay) The lines show the growth of the numbers of digits in the look-and-say sequences with starting points 23 (red), 1 (blue), 13 (violet), 312 (green). These lines (when represented in a logarithmic vertical scale ) tend to straight lines whose slopes coincide with Conway's constant.
Conway's Constant
See also Conway Sequence, Cosmological Theorem, Look and Say Sequence References Conway, J. H. ``The Weird and Wonderful Chemistry of Audioactive Decay.'' §5.11 in Open Problems in Communications and Computation (Ed. T. M. Cover and B. Gopinath).
Now you know Conway Audioactive Decay
Now that you know Conway Audioactive Decay, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with information on similar questions.