We have collected the most relevant information on Counseling Audio Source. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
CAS Podcast - CounselorAudioSource
The Counselor Audio Source Podcast series ran from Jan 2006 until April 2010. Here we have archived the podcasts shows and notes, along with a listing of potential courses that some of the shows might fit well.
Podcasts - CounselorAudioSource
School Counseling Peer Supervision with Reflective Teams w/ Dr. Tarrell Portman. CAS046. Professional Identity in Counseling w/ Dr. Cynthia Osborn. CAS047. Integrating Nutrition and Exercise with School Counseling w/ Dr. Verna Oliva-Flemming. CAS048. The Person Centered Approach in Counseling w/ Dr. Wade Hannon.
CounselorAudioSource 2.0 | Listen to Podcasts On …
CounselorAudioSource 2.0 podcast on demand - CounselorAudioSource is a conversational podcast for professional counselors to share their expertise related to the application and practice of theory and techniques of counseling. Your hosts, Dr. Monica P. Band and Dr. Jason McGlothlin interview a...
CounselorAudioSource 2.0 - THE PODTALK NETWORK
CounselorAudioSource 2.0. CounselorAudioSource is a conversational podcast for professional counselors to share their expertise related to the application and practice of theory and techniques of counseling. Your hosts, Dr. Monica P. Band and Dr. Jason McGlothlin interview a variety of mental health clinicians and investigate topics related to ...
Free Counselling & Psychotherapy Audiobooks
""Spirituality in Counseling". Counselor Audio Source ...
Publication Information. Robert, Tracey (January 2007 Airdate: 1/11/2007). "Spirituality in Counseling" (CAS054). Counselor Audio Source, podcast series for use by counselor educators and practitioners.
CAS026 - Narrative Therapy
Dr. Donald L. Bubenzer is Chair of the Department of Adult, Counseling, Health and Vocational Education in the College of Education, Health, and Human Services at Kent State University. During his career he has published over 20 books and book chapters, and over 50 journal articles. Selected Works:
CAS037 - Including Wellness in Counseling
CAS037 - Including Wellness in Counseling w/ Dr. Paul Granello - Airdate 9/14/2006 Contributing Editor: Dr. Marty Jencius is an Associate Professor at Kent State. His scholarly interest includes international aspects of counseling and counselor training.
CAS011 Show Notes - Ethical Issues in Rural Counseling
CAS011 - Ethical Issues in Rural Counseling w/ Dr. Rex D. Filer Airdate 3/16/2006. Contributing Editor: Dr. Theresa O'Halloran, LPC - Professor - Adams State College - Dr. O'Halloran has been a counselor since 1989 and a counselor educator since 1997. Dr. O'Halloran's work as a counselor focuses on treatment of addictions, trauma, depression ...
The Counseling Source
The Counseling Source (TCS) is committed to fostering an environment which promotes openness, kindness toward, and respect for diversity among our clients and staff. TCS does not endorse nor condone any form of discrimination against a client or staff member due to that individual's race, religion, political beliefs, cultural expressions ...
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