We have collected the most relevant information on Customer Satisfaction Is Worthless Audio. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Customer satisfaction is worthless, customer loyalty is ...
An illustration of an audio speaker. Audio. An illustration of a 3.5" floppy disk. Software. An illustration of two photographs. Images. An illustration of a heart ... Customer satisfaction is worthless, customer loyalty is priceless by Jeffrey H. Gitomer. Publication date 1998
Customer Satisfaction Is Worthless, Customer Loyalty Is ...
Sales guru Jeffrey Gitomer's book, CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IS WORTHLESS: CUSTOMER LOYALTY IS PRICELESS, details these and many other differences that are critical to your business. The beautiful thing about it is, mediocre, or even less than mediocre has become the norm, so when you make just minimal effort at building customer loyalty, your business will …
Customer Satisfaction is Worthless
Customer Satisfaction and anything related to “satisfaction” is terrible. It drives me nuts! How about you post a sign saying: “Ok folks! Let’s go for mediocre today.” I mean, how terrible is that? After a customer experience, do you really want your customer to go away thinking “Hmmm, I was satisfied.” No way. Satisfaction is an […]
Customer Satisfaction Is Worthless Customer Loyalty Is ...
Customer Satisfaction Is Worthless Customer Loyalty Is Priceless Every person in the universe wants to hear YES! Every business and sales winner wants to hear one word: YES! Having and maintaining a YES! Attitude that's powerful enough to help anyone achieve the impossible is possible. When you've got a YES!
Customer Satisfaction is Worthless
Customer Satisfaction is Worthless. As business professionals, we’ve always known that our customers must be satisfied in order for our business to succeed. We preached customer satisfaction to our team members, pinned posters in the break room as reminders of providing great customer service, and placed catchy customer satisfaction phrases in brochures, …
Amazon.com: Customer reviews: Customer Satisfaction …
Sales guru Jeffrey Gitomer's book, CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IS WORTHLESS: CUSTOMER LOYALTY IS PRICELESS, details these and many other differences that are critical to your business. The beautiful thing about it is, mediocre, or even less than mediocre has become the norm, so when you make just minimal effort at building customer loyalty, your business will …
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Now that you know Customer Satisfaction Is Worthless Audio, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with information on similar questions.