We have collected the most relevant information on Definition Audio Tape. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Audiotape Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
au· dio· tape | \ ˈȯ-dē-ō-ˌtāp \ Definition of audiotape : a tape recording of sound Examples of audiotape in a Sentence The program was recorded on audiotape. Recent Examples on the …
Audiotape - definition of audiotape by The Free Dictionary
au·di·o·tape. (ô′dē-ō-tāp′) n. 1. A magnetic tape used to record sound for subsequent playback. 2. A tape recording of sound. tr.v. au·di·o·taped, au·di·o·tap·ing, au·di·o·tapes. To record (sound) on magnetic tape: audiotaped the interview for replay on radio.
Audio tape - definition of Audio tape by The Free Dictionary
au·di·o·tape. (ô′dē-ō-tāp′) n. 1. A magnetic tape used to record sound for subsequent playback. 2. A tape recording of sound. tr.v. au·di·o·taped, au·di·o·tap·ing, au·di·o·tapes. To record (sound) on magnetic tape: audiotaped the interview for replay on radio.
Audiotape Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
Audiotape definition, magnetic tape for recording sound (distinguished from videotape). See more.
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