We have collected the most relevant information on Denon Avr 1311 Hd Audio. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
AVR-1311 - denon.com
Denon AVR-1311 Audio Video Surround Receiver Manual | HiFi ...
Manual Library / Denon. Denon AVR-1311. Audio Video Surround Receiver (2010-11) add a review. Specifications. Tuning range: FM, MW. Power output: 75 watts per channel into 8Ω (stereo) Surround output: 75W (front), 75W (center), 75W (rear) Frequency response: 10Hz to …
Manual Denon AVR-1311 (page 1 of 2) (English)
The AVR-1311 is an A/V receiver with HDMI version 1.4a that can be connected to TVs and other devices such as Blu-ray disc players, game consoles, and set-top boxes, that support 3D video. Of course, it also supports HD Audio formats such as DTS-HD Master Audio to give you the powerful, dynamic surround sound you expect with the amazing 3D
Denon AVR-1311 - Amplis home-cinéma sur Son-Vidéo.com
A commencer par la norme HDMI 1.4. Grâce à elle, l'AVR-1311 est compatible avec les films 3D et les formats audio HD sont également décodés, DTS-HD Master Audio et Dolby TrueHD en tête. Avec l'AVR-1311, vous ne raterez rien des plus récents disques Blu-ray.
The Denon AVR-1311 is an A/V receiver with HDMI version 1.4a that can be connected to TVs and other devices such as Blu-ray disc players, game consoles, and set-top boxes that support 3D video. Of course, it also supports HD Audio formats such as DTS-HD M …
Denon AVR 1311 issues - AVForums
Denon AVR-1311 erősítő, fekete | Extreme Digital
Denon AVR-1311 erősítő, fekete. Az AVR-1311 egy A/V receiver HDMI 1.4a csatlakozással, amelyet csatlakoztathatunk TV-hez és más készülékekhez, mint például Blu-ray disc lejátszók, játék konzolokhoz és set-top box-okhoz, amelyek támogatják a 3D video-t. Természetesen támogatja a HD Audio formátumokat is, mint a DTS-HD Master ...
Denon DHT-1311XP home theater - Excellent bang, for …
Denon DHT-1311XP Home Theater in a Box - ecoustics.com
Denon announced the DHT-1311XP, a 3D-ready 650-watt 5.1 home theater system. The home cinema in a box solution combines the AVR-1311 A/V receiver (110W x 5-channel) with the SYS-391HT 5.1 speaker system. The package offers a versatile and powerful state-of-the-art, 3D compatible set-up at an incredibly competitive price point of £449.99.
AVR-1312 - Denon Website
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