We have collected the most relevant information on Descargar Libaudio2_1.9.1-5_I386.Deb. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Libaudio2 Download (DEB) - pkgs.org
Libaudio2 Download for Linux (deb) Debian 11 (Bullseye) Debian Main amd64 Official. libaudio2_1.9.4-7_amd64.deb. Network Audio System - shared libraries. Debian Main arm64 Official. libaudio2_1.9.4-7_arm64.deb. Network Audio System - shared libraries. Debian 10 …
Details of package libaudio2 in buster - Debian
78.1 kB: 161.0 kB [list of files] arm64: 71.7 kB: 145.0 kB [list of files] armel: 71.7 kB: 140.0 kB [list of files] armhf: 71.6 kB: 120.0 kB [list of files] i386: 81.7 kB: 168.0 kB [list of files] mips: 72.2 kB: 159.0 kB [list of files] mips64el: 73.4 kB: 169.0 kB [list of files] mipsel: 72.9 kB: 159.0 kB [list of files] ppc64el: 75.6 kB: 189.0 ...
Details of package libaudio2 in sid - Debian
73.1 kB: 159.0 kB [list of files] ppc64 (unofficial port) 83.7 kB: 255.0 kB [list of files] ppc64el: 84.1 kB: 253.0 kB [list of files] riscv64 (unofficial port) 74.0 kB: 133.0 kB [list of files] s390x: 75.4 kB: 165.0 kB [list of files] sh4 (unofficial port) 79.9 kB: 140.0 kB [list of files] sparc64 (unofficial port) 70.9 kB: 153.0 kB [list of ...
libaudio2 - Linux App Finder
The Network Audio System (NAS) was developed by NCD for playing, recording, and manipulating audio data over a network. Like the X Window System, it uses the client/server model to separate applications from the specific drivers that control audio input and output devices. This package contains the NAS library (libaudio), needed for both remote and local output.
libaudio2: fails to update - trying to overwrite ... - Debian
Reported by: James Cowgill <jcowgill@debian.org> Date: Sat, 8 Nov 2014 23:57:01 UTC. Severity: serious Merged with 768800, 768912. Found in version nas/1.9.4-1. Fixed in version nas/1.9.4-2. Done: Steve McIntyre <93sam@debian.org> Bug is archived.
bolUDO.com.ve: Instalar Wine Sin Internet Disponible.
Lo primero descargar estos repositorios sigue el orden con esta si no podrás instalar wine. Lo primero instala este paquete libaudio2_1.9.1-5_i386.deb. Luego sigue este libopenal1_1%3a1.4.272-2_i386.deb. Luego wine-gecko_1.0.0-0ubuntu1_all.deb. Por último wine_1.1.42~winehq0~ubuntu~9.04-0ubuntu1_i386.deb. Después de instar todo eso sigue la ...
Familia Canaima: Instalar Wine Sin Internet Disponible.
Lo primero instala este paquete libaudio2_1.9.1-5_i386.deb. Luego sigue este libopenal1_1%3a1.4.272-2_i386.deb. Luego wine-gecko_1.0.0-0ubuntu1_all.deb. Por último wine_1.1.42~winehq0~ubuntu~9.04-0ubuntu1_i386.deb. Después de instar todo eso sigue la configuración abra el terminal después inicia sesión como root para esto teclea sudo -i te ...
Now you know Descargar Libaudio2_1.9.1-5_I386.Deb
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