We have collected the most relevant information on Dictionary On Audio. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
English Audio Dictionary - Apps on Google Play
Developed by www.SearchTruth.com. - English Audio Dictionary has 180,000 words with sound. - No need of Internet. Work offline without using Internet. - Offline voice for English. - Search the...
English Audio Dictionary on the App Store
100% FREE and Full version of English Audio Dictionary from English To Simple English has 180,000 words with sound. Use without Internet. Listen every word from American, British, Australian voices. Developed by www.SearchTruth.com - Offline English Speaking Dictionary - Search the English word and it will display its simple English.
Audio Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
Definition of audio. (Entry 1 of 3) 1 : of or relating to acoustic, mechanical, or electrical frequencies corresponding to normally audible sound waves which are of frequencies approximately from 15 to 20,000 hertz. 2 a : of or relating to sound or its reproduction and especially high-fidelity reproduction.
Audio Pronunciation Dictionary on the App Store
This app provides a comprehensive dictionary of English pronunciation with audio. This app will help you to know how a word is pronounced differently by American, British and Australian. If you want to know how to pronounce a word, phrase (abbess, go along, come up with, make up, etc); legal, medical, scientific terms (acetazolamide, achondroplasia, ab initio, etc); people and place …
Audio Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
audio-. a combining form used in the formation of compound words, with the meanings: “sound within the range of human hearing” (audiometer); “hearing” (audiology); “sound reproduction” …
The Audio Dictionary: Third Edition, Revised and …
The Audio Dictionary is a comprehensive resource, including historical, obsolete, and obscure as well as contemporary terms relating to diverse aspects of audio such as film and TV sound, recording, Hi-Fi, and acoustics.
AudioEnglish.org English-Learning Dictionary (WordNet ...
AudioEnglish.org Dictionary. Type a word in the search box above to look it up in the AudioEnglish.org dictionary. The dictionary currently includes 155,327 entries (words and collocations), 117,597 senses and 207,016 word-sense pairs. Familiarity: ADVANTAGED used as an adjective is very rare.
Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Deluxe Audio ...
In addition to the authoritative, comprehensive nature of this audio CD dictionary/thesaurus, the Merriam-Webster electronic dictionary has an advantage (over American Heritage, for example) that I was able to copy the pronunciation files "by hand" …
Audio - definition of audio by The Free Dictionary
1. of, pertaining to, or employed in the transmission, reception, or reproduction of sound. 2. of or pertaining to frequencies or signals in the audible range. 3. designating an electronic apparatus using audio frequencies: audio amplifier. n.
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