We have collected the most relevant information on Discworld Dosbox Audio. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
[SOLVED] Dosbox Discworld - no sound - Ubuntu Forums
I found this solution: To save and have sound, do like so: After installing to folder DISCWLD, make a folder titled SAVE. Run Config.bat and configure your sound and audio to Soundblaster Pro if you have it. Open Disc.bat and choose Soundblaster Pro. The above steps must be done each time prior to playing Discworld on DosBox.
Playing Discworld under Dosbox - Adventure Forums
Then, under DOSBox, run setsound, choose Gravis Ultrasound for Audio (IO 240, IRQ 5, DMA 3 are the DOSBox defaults; or enter the appropriate settings if you've changed them yourself), and General MIDI for music. Then save the settings and run disc (or the game exe, dwb I think). Setsound doesn't seem to exist on DW.
Download Discworld - My Abandonware
To set up sound, as Elph-kun mentioned, you should copy the Drivers folder to the new discwld.cd game folder that DosBox created. You can do this in windows. After that is done, run the Setsound.exe command in discwld.cd from DosBox and you should be able to set up SoundBlaster sound for everything. See older comments (34) Download Discworld
Sound Problem With Discworld - Forums
Sound Problem With Discworld General compatibility fixes ... I have almost the opposite problem; no audio whatsoever in DosBox, music but no SFX or voice in VDMSound. I'm on 2000 Pro and running a copy obtained from Abandonia. (Mind you, I seem to recall having similar problems in Windows 95 from the original CD back when I played it the first ...
getting discworld to play with dosbox - YouTube
ok guys something different for you here. if your like me and having trouble playing old school games on your new pc. youve tried everything running it in co...
DOSBox, an x86 emulator with DOS
Help with Discworld 1 please! - DOS Games Discussion
run dosbox, mount C and D, cd discwld.cd cd drivers setsound This will start the sound configuration,-> For midi choose Creative Labs sound blaster or 100% compatible, autodetect settings.-> For digital choose sound blaster pro or 100% compatible, autodetect settings-> done. Warning: This works with the original full game.
No sound on any DOSBOX games (Win7, 64-bit, Realtek ...
MIXER:Can't open audio: No available audio device , running in nosound mode. MIDI:Opened device:win32 The DOSBOX window itself says: SET BLASTER=A220 I7 D1 H5 T6 This comes from the DOSBOX Default.conf file, but doesn't really mean anything if DOSBOX can't find the Windows sound driver. The audio works fine for all other Windows programs.
Download Discworld - DOS Games Archive
Description (by Psygnosis) Humor and adventure in Pratchetts' Discworld. In a first from the interactive entertainment industry, a trio of Britain's best loved comedy actors have been signed up to voice-act the PlayStation Game Console graphic adventure, Terry Pratchetts Discworld. Eric Idle, internationally famed as one of the Monty Python team (and composer of the ubiquitous …
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