We have collected the most relevant information on Diyaudio Lcd Projector. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
DIY LCD Projector FAQ | diyAudio
2002-08-14 2:22 am. #1. Here is a basic faq I typed up. If you have any suggestions or parts to add on please do. DIY LCD PROJECTOR FAQ. General Questions. Q: Isn't this the 100" TV thing I tried and the quality was horrible? A: No, this is a completely concept the most common type people build use an overhead projector and a LCD panel.
Light for LCD Projector | diyAudio
I need to know if I can use this light: it is a spot light used in construction, building houeses etc. It is very brite. I do not have any info on it, but it uses a long thin round halgen blub. I think it would work for my LCD Projector that I want to build. It does get very hot after a while...
Philips LCP 5200 projector | diyAudio
2003-01-20 3:11 am. #1. Hi all, I just bought this really second hand LCD projector at just $100, its Philip 5200. Its really small and portable with even surround sound. It has 180,000 pixels and uses a halogen bulb 12V 75w. All this sounds promising, until I plug it in. The picture produce is quite wash out and lack of brightness.
best screen resolution for 7inc lcd | diyAudio
hi people im looking to build my 7inc lcd screen projector i have my plans that im slowind making but i am interested in lcd resolution has any one got information or links to tell me which is the best resolution 7inc to 10inc lcd are im interested in 7inc for now but would like to know the best quality there is .
Building your own LCD video projector | Home Theater Forum
I thought some of you DIY types might be interested in building your own projectors. Basically you can build a very high quality LCD projector for a couple hundred bucks. The great thing about these projectors is that the metal halide bulb last for 20,000 (!) hours and costs about $15; a far cry from the $250-$600 commercial projector bulbs ...
Andreas Ljunggren's Lair - LP250 LCD Projector DYI hacked ...
LP250 LCD Projector DYI hacked with Halogen. Well, I hav'nt written that much in this page. Needles to say, I've patched my LP250 so that I can use a regular OSRAM 50W 12v TITAN lamp, and it works realy well as projector towards a wall in a fairly dark room.
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