We have collected the most relevant information on Doug Blackburn Audio. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.

Doug Blackburn - Positive Feedback

    An article by Doug Blackburn on audio accessories. A Creative Forum for the Audio Arts

SoundStage! Equipment Review - Belles 150A Reference ...

    by Doug Blackburn "Extraordinary and possibly incomparable." Review Summary. Sound ... Dave Belles is one of those audio designers with a long track record, in his case more than 25 years in the business of designing and manufacturing audio equipment. When you buy a Belles product today, it is designed and usually built by the man himself.

Lyngdorf MP50 - SDA2400 Review - Danish Audio Company

    Blackburn goes on to include a rave review of RoomPerfect™, noting its unsurpassed sound integration and audio performance: “Something is definitely working right because I’ve never heard any room correction system work as well as RoomPerfect™. Especially notable is the integration of the subwoofer with each individual channel.”

SoundStage! Equipment Review - Belles 350A Reference ...

    Belles 350A Reference Stereo Amplifier by Doug Blackburn "A sure-fire Reviewers' Choice." Review Summary Sound "There is no easily identifiable character to the sound of this amp. Every recording sounds distinct -- more distinct than they sound with other amplifiers…. The 350A Reference doesn’t add, subtract, or alter anything."

SoundStage! Equipment Review - Belles Hot Rod 150A ...

    Feed this amplifier a quality audio signal from top-notch components and cables and feed the output to the best loudspeakers you can imagine connecting to a $1495 amp, then double the price of the speakers just for fun. ... Doug Blackburn db@soundstage.com. Belles Hot Rod 150A Amplifier Prices: Two-channel version, $1495 USD or $400 to update ...

SoundStage! Argent Room Lens - SoundStageNetwork.com

    Doug Blackburn The Noisy Audiophile. June 1997. Argent Room Lens. This equipment review is a bit unusual. It is not my ‘final impression’ of the product. ... Readers relish reviews of great sounding audio components… speakers, amps, preamps, CD players, wires, cartridges for LPs, racks, isolation & damping devices, etc. But there is one ...

Doug Blackburn Reviews P300 at Soundstage - AVS Forum

    Please keep in mind that the reviewer, Doug Blackburn, also writes for Widescreen Review magazine, and he recently completed a three issue and part power conditioner review. He just LUVS the P300, as do I! THE ABSOLUTE ULTIMATE AUDIO HOME THEATER GEEK!

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