We have collected the most relevant information on Dts Master Audio Wikipedia. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Talk:DTS-HD Master Audio - Wikipedia
Talk:DTS-HD Master Audio. This article is within the scope of WikiProject Professional sound production, a collaborative effort to improve the coverage of sound recording and reproduction on Wikipedia. If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join the discussion and see a list of open tasks.
DTS-HDマスターオーディオ - Wikipedia
dts-hdマスターオーディオの目標は、映画スタジオにおけるマスターサウンドトラックをビット単位で忠実に再現することだった。 そのため、 Blu-ray Disc では最大24.5Mbit/s、 HD DVD では最大18.0Mbit/s までの 可変ビットレート をサポートしている。
DTS-HD Master Audio - Wikipedia
DTS-HD Master Audio is 'n gekombineerde oudiokodek vir verliesvrye en gekomprimeerde klankweergawe wat deur die Amerikaanse onderneming DTS (vroeër Digital Theater Systems) ontwikkel is en bemark word.Alhoewel sy gebruik opsioneel is, het dit intussen naas Dolby TrueHD een van die standaard-kodeks vir omringklank vir die klankbane van rolprent- en musiek-blu-ray …
DTS-HD Master Audio - Wikiwand
DTS-HD Master Audio,简称DTS-HD MA,是DTS公司针对蓝光光盘(Blu-ray)所研发的无损音频格式,其竞争对手为杜比实验室所开发的 ...
DTS-HD Master Audio | Logopedia | Fandom
DTS-HD Master Audio View source History Talk (0) 2006–present. Print version. The logo lasted until January 10, 2012 with the Blu-ray release of Shallow Hal (2001) by 20th Century Studios Home Entertainment. While the current logo had taken its place since, it can be spotted on some modern releases.
DTS (DTS-HD) Master Audio Suite - Sound on Sound
The second HD extension is DTS–HD Master Audio. This employs lossless compression (ie. no audio data is thrown away!) to play back up to 7.1 channels with sample rates up to 96kHz, or up to 5.1 channels with sample rates up to 192kHz. This uses a stream of up to 18Mbps for the HD DVD format or up to 24.4Mbps on the Blu–ray format.
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